Monday, November 1, 2010

This and That

Dang, been a few days! haha my bad!

  So, now that October is over my holiday festivities can begin!! I CANNOT wait for Christmas movies to come on tv!!! So excited for it!! And I have alreayd caught the baking bug... today I am going to make mini cheesecakes with a nutella drizzle on top! Cheesecake is my favorite! Speaking of cheesecake... my mom's birthday is on Wednesday and I am hoping we get to go to the cheesecake factory... why? because I LOVE CHEESECAKE!!!! haha

  For Halloween I went to San Jose with my fam to take the cuzzos out trick or treating!! They are the cutests things ever. However, Justing was being a little stinker taking off like a bat out of you know where and trying to cross streets by himself! haha Figures, payback is a b! I used to be like that too... oh wait, I still am! haha

  Tonight I am making bbq chicken with couscous and cooked carrots! I love me some coucouse and cooked carrots! I feel as if I am ramblign today, probably because I am but oh well!!! lol
  I bought some boots (see below picture) on walmart's website on Saturday. It's starting to get colder here so I wanted some closed toe shoes to wear for rainy days and such! Plus, I really love boots!! lol
except mine are black!
Today I shall list some of my dislikes:
-people being mean to their pets (I can handle training them, actually I am an advocate for teaching them to be good, but I cannot handle them being picked on!)
-cinnamon (unless it is cinnamon rolls, hot cider, or cinnamon swirl french toast! haha)
-snappy people
-selfish people
-FAKE people! (this one REALLY gets me fired up)
-movies with no point
-foreign films
-strawberry milk
-watermelon flavored things (I LOVE watermelon just not the fake watermelon flavor)
-rap music vibrating my car while I am stopped at a light (if that happens I usually roll all of my windows down and turn up my country music really loud! haha)
-allergies (they ruin my life) haha

I think that shall hold you over till tomorrow... I promise to have something good to write about tomorrow haha