Friday, November 5, 2010

Life, but a speck of dust in the wind!

This blog might be a little sad at first but I'll pick it up in the end:

Death just seems to be everywhere right now! I hate these times in life where people pass away and all you can do is sit around and think of how short life really is. A friend of mine lost her husband yesterday in a car accident! They have been married for a year and have a beautiful baby boy together! I cannot even imagine going through that as a newly wed let alone with a baby! My heart breaks for her every time I think about it. However, it causes me to sit and think about all the people I know in my life and whether or not they know the Lord. It stirs up an urgency in me to reach my family and friends.

Ok , ok enough of that I know!

So Wednesday night my family went to Cheesecake Factory for my mother's birthday! The food was amazing and dessert was even better! Then I came home got in my pajamas and went over to the bff's house and watched "Definitely Maybe". Super cute movie! After the movie was over we just sat and talked for hours... I didn't get home till 3 am... which leads up to my next story. I was driving my corolla (mind you I have not been driving this car because it is so low to the ground) and when I was leaving her house I kind of just through my whole body into the car... wasn't smart! I pulled on to the freeway an immediately started having these horrible pains in my right side... my first thought? Jesus please don't let it be my appendix, I don't have insurance!! haha I got home and got in bed only to wake up every 20 mins in pain! Finally I was able to sleep a bit around 8 am! When I woke up it hurt sooo bad to walk! But it was a throbbing pain not a sharp pain! We assumed that I must have pulled a muscle or something! So I stayed in bed with a heating pad on my side for most of the day/night. Why is stupid stuff always happening to me?? haha

Last night I freaking had call customer service at ATT because our cable and dvr were being absolutely ridiculous... this is not the first time it has happened though, so I finally got fed up and called! Can someone please explain to me why they ask you what the problem is and then proceed to talk to you about something that is completely opposite of the problem? The lady was trying to have us unplug our internet and phone cords... now I am no genius about such topics but I am pretty sure your cable does not come through your internet! haha Finally I had reached my boiling point, I had already missed my Housewives show because it wasn't recording and I was about to miss another show. So I hung up and rebooted the entire system myself... guess I'm smarter than I thought because I got it all to work again! lol

Last but not least, tonight we are going to our family friend's house to have a game night with our crew from the old church. miss these peeps! Glad we get nights like this to remind us why we are all friends!! So off to straighten my freaking hair (it literally takes 2 years!!) and then to get dressed!! Oh btw I made a 4 layer bean dip for tonight! MMMMM


  1. Then wear it curly! I wish I had some curls. Beverly Hills is OUT OF CONTROL. I'm hooked, but I feel bad for them.

  2. haha oh girl you think they are out of control? you need to watch the NJ housewives haha they be all kinds of crazy!!!

    I let my hair grow out really long so it doesn't look good curly anymore :(
