Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I would love it if... haha

Well where to start...

Why does family have to be so frustrating! You know when people ask you to leave and THEN ask you not to come to a holiday it is kid of sad and yet my feelings aren't allowed to be hurt. WHo knows?? I just know it's frustrating!! But I have learned that when and if I get married I will definitely want our families to be together so we don't have to choose... never fun hurting people's feelings!!

Now onto the fun stuff:

I am excited for black friday shopping. I would have loved for it to be the usual black friday I usually have but it's still going to be fun because I won't have to cater to anyone elses needs, I'll jsut get to shop till my heart's content!! I plan on hitting up walmart, target, forever21, and even disney store. What are all of your plans? Favorite stores to go to?

My house is almost finished being decorated... just waiting on the tree and the outside lights! Pics to follow when everything is done!!!

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