Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Holiday traditions:

Today I would like to rant on family/holiday traditions!! haha

Usually for Thanksgiving we will go to our cousin's and spend most the day making our delicious foods (except for one year when everyone was on South Beach diet and they decided to make mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes... did not make me happy!! don't mess with a girl's potatoes!). Then we will all sit around the table and stuff our faces. After we have eaten till we can eat no more we will go sit on the couches and half of us (my mom, Brian, and Amy) will pass out! haha Then we will, if we haven't already had one going, light a fire and watch a movie. We all usually go to sleep decently early because the next day is the biggest part of Thanksgiving! haha We then wake up around 4-5 and head out to walmart to hit the black Friday sales. Then we hit up Target and Old Navy. Black Friday is such a great Christmas shopping day!!! I will miss all of this this Thanksgiving! Unfortunately my cousin's are having the in laws over and I guess that means we are not invited :(!! Makes me sad because I look forward to that every year!

So, then we have Christmas... for me Christmas is not just a day... it is a season! lol I make it start and soon as possible and last as long as I can!!! lol We have a "family" Christmas with all of our cousin's and aunt and grandma. Where it is usually just like thanksgiving except each person draws names (about a month or so before) and buys them a present! I LOVE presents!! On Christmas day we usually will open presents at our house... I LOVE to sleep in as long as I can so I make everyone else wait haha... and then we will gather the troops and head to my cousin's again! My cousin's are like brothers and sisters because of them moving in with us when we were younger so it just feels like the way it should be!

  My traditions for Christmas are to get the tree ASAP and then put up my Christmas village! I love setting up the Christmas village... mostly because it grows every year and I used to love seeing people have them up in their windows! It's my fav!

what are some of your traditions??

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