Monday, November 8, 2010


Last I wrote I told you I had hurt my side somehow... well I am pretty sure I bruised my ribs! This has been one of THE most painful things ever. I am hoping the heal up quicker though because I don't know how much more I can take of being in bed or sitting all day long! DRIVING ME CRAZYYYYYY lol

I didn't go to church yesterday and this was the third week of not going because last week we went to our cousin's and then the week before that I got sick... blah blah blah! I feel so yucky when I haven't gone to church! I remember living in Cleveland I never went to church on Sundays but I didn't feel bad because I was connected in other services and ministries throughout the week. Although I LOVED being in White House, TN on Sundays because I just loved worshipping the Lord with all of my McGregor family! I do miss them so!!

AT&T (who is our cable providing, whom you read me ranting about earlier) decided that we needed HGTV and FOOD network taken away! I almost went ballistic. Those are the 2 channels I watch the most!!! I LOVE me some Paula Dean and House Hunters... I usually watch House Hunters while falling asleep at night!! So of course I,  being the bossy one that I am, told my mother we needed to switch cable providers ASAP! lol Luckily for AT&T they decided to give us back our shows or else there might have been some blood on my hands! lol

Well, I have to clean my room but I can't bend over or walk that much and so I sit here in a mess! I also have to do laundry but I can't do that either! BOOHOO Anyone want to come be my maid for the day?? I'll give you some gold fish crackers! ha ha

I'm so boring today! sorry... I've been confined and thus nothing exciting is happening! lol


  1. haha...I can just imagine you being ballistic!!!!!

  2. You need an ice pack. I'm sorry about your ribs, but it's pretty funny how you injured yourself :)

  3. haha Thanks Al...

    and Shig I about went down there and cussed someone out! lol Thankfully they saved me from following through with that temptation! lol
