Tuesday, November 2, 2010


As I type my best friend and I are on the phone discussing the ridiculousness of politics!! Of course on this voting day there are a lot of issues at hand to be thought over. I just really despise politics!!! It didn't used to be this way... I remember when I was in Jr High and High school and how into politics I was... but something shifted over the years! I no long find enjoyment in voting simply because I have to vote for the lesser of 2 evils on everything and I don't want to vote in any evil. It makes my heart sad and stirs up my intercessory heart!!!

I was telling Sette about how sad that fact is that what we are voting for now is only temporarily pushing off what is to come in the future. For example: it's bound to happen that people's retirement funds are depleted and abortion is made legal.... why? because then further we move on in life the closer we are to the coming of the Lord and how much harder do you think the enemy is going to fight to tear us down if he knows he's about to lose for eternity? Of course I am not saying we should just give up, roll over and play dead but I know that things are only temporary! Thank the Lord that in the end the Lord has already won the victory and there is no greater peace than that!

OK enough of my ranting on politics/end times ha ha... those are such encouraging things huh? ha ha

So tonight for dinner I am making pork fried rice! I am very excited for it... why? because I love me some rice!!! mmm mmm mmm

Some of my other favorite things to cook are:
-chicken soup from scratch
-mozzarella stuffed chicken breasts with pasta
-enchilada casserole
-garlic chicken
-roasted whole chicken or cornish game hens!!!

What are some of your fav foods to cook?