Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My birth week...

Listening to Stacie Orrico while I type this out... her voice tends to calm me down! haha

I desperately despise living with someone who will not pull their share around the house. I completely don't mind picking up after my mom and helping out around the house (especially vacuuming... sooo relaxing!!) but I HATE having to clean up after a grown adult who just sits around lazily when she's home! That is my annoyed note for the day! haha

So this is my birthday week but thus far it has not been to filled with celebration. My grandma fell and broke her hip on Saturday night and so we ended up having to drive back and forth from there (an hour away from where we live.) because they did surgery and she hasn't been doing well at all. However, when we got there Sunday to talk to her I told her that she was having surgery and she was all doped up and crazy from meds and so I said they were giving her boob implants! hahaha she asked why!!! lol So then as we were getting ready to leave I asked her if she'd rather have boob implants or a sex change and she looked at me with big ole eyes and said NO! lol Too funny!!!

Friday is my birthday! Usually I celebrate on my birthday as well as a couple of other times but this year I am going to be at a conference on my birthday so my fam and I are going to Cheesecake Factory on Thursday and then next week all of my friends and fam are invited to go to The Old Spaghetti Factory and I am pretty excited about that! I am pretty excited about the conference on Friday too... Condoleezza Rice is a speaker as well as some other folks and then Sara Groves is doing a concert!! The conference is about sex slavery in America. Should be really interesting and informative! :)

Well I am really filled with joy from the Lord! Because even in the midst of all this chaos and such the Lord has kept my attention and He is teaching me how to listen even when my mind is going 500 miles an hour!! Grateful to be where I am today as I enter into my 24th year. And I am BEYOND excited to see where I will be next year at this time!!! :)

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