Saturday, January 22, 2011

Birthday and Freedom Summit

Well I would have to say this birthday was definitely not one like I've ever had before! For the most part I enjoy my birthday... I forgot how much I enjoy working for a conference!! Stirred up my love for people and the tiny bit of compassion (I am working on growing ok!! lol) I have in my heart! I did the registration with Sette and several others... was a lot of fun to have people come in grumpy and frowning and making them smile and laugh!!!

I also got an awesome surprise from Shig on my bday!!! My sister comes running in my room with this beautiful vase with yellow roses in it and says, "who the h sent you flowers?" hahaha I said, "oh trust me, it wasn't a boy!" lol The roses are so pretty and go perfect in my bright yellow room!!!
So after the conference on Friday night a few of us went to Chilli's for some food (reminded me of the good ole times in Cleveland when it was either Chilli's or Applebees... to this day I will not go back to applebees hahaha)! We finished eating and my friend had told them it was my birthday and so they came out with a chocolate molten cake for me which was absolutely delicious!!! And that was how I end my actual birthday, but next Friday we are having a party at a restaurant and then maybe a few of us will go dancing? who knows! lol

Well I am looking forward to church in the morning but my poor feet are throbbing from standing for 12 hours today so I hope they feel better before the morning!!!


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