Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bay Fusion

On Tuesday, January 11, 2011 we had the official launch of Bay Fusion (which is a young adults ministry). I went to the soft launch in December and even before I got to the service I just felt a connection with the ministry... there was an excitement in my heart for it. I remember walking in and just feeling at home like it was where I was supposed to be! So the week before the official launch I went to the leadership meeting to help plan stuff out and even there the Lord was really stirring up an excitement and joy in my heart to be apart of the ministry. I began praying for it and for the leadership and for the people who would come to the official launch on Tuesday. I got to the service early for prayer and I remember being in the prayer room and literally feeling like fire was being stirred in my gut! When I walked out the WHOLE room was full of people!!! I almost cried... I choked up like 3 times out of excitement and joy!!! I remember seeing people I hadn't seen in a long time and not being able to hold a conversation with them because I just kept saying I'm so glad you're here! haha It was an amazing service and the speaker was SPECTACULAR! I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for next month!!!

Anyone have any suggestions I could pass on for young adults ministries?? We had 100 people at the soft launch and Tuesday, at the official launch, we had over 200 people!!! We are probably going to double that in no time!! So any suggestions of ways to get people in or activities to do or to raise money please give 'em!!! Every word of wisdom or advice helps!

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