Monday, January 10, 2011

French Toast

You know those days when alarm doesn't go off and you jump up out of a dead sleep and you just KNOW you're late... well that didn't happen today but I did get that feeling when I woke up today. Not sure why but because of it my stomach started hurting. So I am sitting in bed, just sitting, trying to figure out my next move for the day (I really didn't have anything to do but to fix dinner haha) and all of a sudden my dogs start going CRAZYYYY... at first I thought we were about to have another earth quake until I hear a *bang bang bang* on my wall that is in the front of the house (that wall is actually a garage door on the outside and a wall on the inside because my room is a converted garage haha). Well after being freaked for a second I remembered that I had told Sette that if she came over and knocked on the door and no one answered to bang on the garage door because I can literally hear NOTHING from inside my room. Plus she doesn't have a phone right now. SO then I got super super excited and went to let her in, forgetting altogether about my stomach ache. She comes in and says she wants to make me french toast for breakfast and then I got EVEN more excited!!!! Well as I am bending down to get the eggs out of the fridge for her I am reminded as to why I was just laying in bed! haha After all is said in done we ended up going in my room and I TRIED really hard to eat but my gut just wasn't having it lol.

on to a COMPLETELY unrelated subject...
 Ever since the beginning of the year I have had this expectancy in my heart for 2011... I mean it couldn't be the fact that the Lord keeps confirming that this year is a year of the favor of the Lord through almost EVERY sermon, message, conversation I have had recently haha. But I know I went in to 2011 with a heart full of faith and trust in the Lord. I went in with a heart of thanksgiving for everything that has happened and all the things that haven't even happened yet! And ever since then the Lord has been throwing doors open for interviews for jobs and for ministry. It's taken me almost 2 years to get to this point where I am wanting and ready to be DOING ministry again. And all that to say that the launch of one of the ministries (Bay Fusion) the Lord has brought me to is tomorrow and my heart just is filled with glee!!!! Be praying for this ministry... it is a ministry for young adults and it is a really lacking area out here in Cali. I am excited to see MY generation catch the fire of the Lord under butts and change this world!! :)

ALSO, be praying for me! I think I may have a thyroid problem! I don't have insurance but if I get a job I will be able to be added back on to my mom's insurance and get it taken care of... it's no fun walking around not feeling 100%... or to bypass all that be praying the Lord would heal me!! :-D

yay 2011!!!!!!!


  1. To get it checked shouldn't cost THAT much. I had to get bloodwork/meds for my thyroid before I had insurance and it didn't break that bank. But, if there is a problem, it's better to find out NOW! If your levels are off, it'll mess with everything (weight gain, hair loss, feeling cold, extremely tired... the list is never ending!). You shouldn't even have to 'see' a doctor and pay for a doctors visit, just go to a walk-in clinic and say you want bloodwork for your thyroid levels.

  2. Thanks Aleena... I forgot you had your thyroid messed up!! What did they tell you to do about it when you found out?
