Friday, October 22, 2010

Women's conference

Tonight and tomorrow I will be at a women's conference at my church. This is the first conference I have been to in a LONGGGG time so it's going to be refreshing!

Does anyone else love a clean room?? I cleaned my room last week, like deep cleaned, and have spent the last week in here!! I light my candles and turn on my scentsy (apple is the flavor of the week) and drink some hot cocoa or tea while sitting in peace! haha Maybe it's my ocd or what not but a good organized room makes me smile!!! I am excited that my room is now ready for Christmas decorations!!!! AHHH

Speaking of Christmas...Ok so everyday I get on my tv and search for Christmas movies!! I am soooo thrilled for the day they start popping up so I can record them all (even though I've seen all of them every year lol)!!! And then the day when KOIT starts playing Christmas music!!! Life will be sooo joyous!!!

So I am not much of a recipe person, I love to cook by just throwing stuff together, but I've decided starting on Monday I am going to start jotting down the different things I cook... maybe I will even put them on here for all your enjoyment... all 3 of you! hahaha

Pray for this conference that the Lord has completely freedom with us!!!

What are y'alls plans for this weekend???


  1. I love a clean room and clean sheets!!! i just did mine this weekend. I still could clean out some of my clothes though.. I need to get rid of some more! I'm so ready for Christmas!!! I love all the holidays in the Fall/Winter!!!

  2. send me some clothes to go through!!! lol
