Monday, October 25, 2010

Jesus Freak

I have a lot of good traveling stories but I think my favorite (and I know it's Aleena's) is this one:

I can't really remember if I was headed home from TN or headed back to TN from home but I was in an airport haha. I was dressed appropriately for the situation... flesh tone pants (which we had named the nudey pants) with a black t-shirt that says "Jesus Freak" across the chest. My flight had been delayed so I was pretty anxious to get on the plane. They finally started boarding and were on e number away from my boarding number when all of a sudden a man decided it was the best time to strike up a conversation with me! But this was no normal man, he was one of those that says something and walks away or turns his head so you can't even tell if they are really talking to you or if you're hearing things. So, I thought I heard him say something, and me being me turned and said "huh?" !!!! haha I think he was hoping to just make his comment and then run but I was not clear on his goal! Then he proceeded to tell me he liked my shirt and of course I took that as, "ohh he loves the Lord!" NOT!!! I responded with "oh that's awesome. are you a christian?" my lame response was due to the tired state of mind I was in. Looking surprised he said "no! I'm an atheist... I thought your shirt was a joke, like sarcastic or something!" hahaha oh man if only this man had been made aware of who he was talking to... poor guy! lol I turned to him and said "nope, I love the Lord!" I don't really know how I expected him to respond to that because it was a pretty weird sentence to just leave by itself but our conversation turned into a theological debate. I was trying my hardest not to be rude and not debate because I knew I was NOT in the right state of mind. You know those conversations with people when they have questions about the Bible and you know the answers but at that moment you forget everything? Yeah, that was me! He kept asking me questions like, "well if God is real then how did this happen and why does this happen..." etc. And all I could respond with was, "the Lord healed my knees!" HAHAHAHAHAHA By this point everyone had boarded the plane and I NEEDED to get on. I think I ended the conversation by saying something like, "thanks for asking about my shirt"! OMG, as soon as I got in my seat all I could think about was, "Oh Lord what did I just do?" The whole flight things I SHOULD HAVE said kept popping into my head!!

This is not an unusual story for my life... but it still makes me life when I think about it to this day!

Anyone have any funny stories...?????


  1. Oh Nikki! I love you... lol. This just made my day.

  2. Here's my funny story:

    I was studying eschatology kind intensely a few months ago. Down the street from the coffee shope where I work is one of the worst drug areas in Melbourne. Anyway, one of the girls from down the street came in pretty messed up one day. We'll call her Edna. Edna was on the phone and her eyes kinda rolled and she was like, "Wait... hold on." She then looked at me with a dazed look and said, "Do you know anything about the end of the world?" Little did this girl know I had been praying for her and asking God to help me build a relationship with her and open a door to talk to her.... lol. I responded with some semi-lame answers, but we'll see what happens later on! =) lol

  3. haha I love that... I love when we are asking for things ot happen and then we are so blonde we don't realize when they are happening!!! silly little dumb sheep!

  4. Perfect plane attire. I can hear you saying (sleepily and monotone) "Oh that's awesome, are you a Christian?" Maybe even a little laryngitis-y. Perfect.

  5. hahahah...that is one of my favorite stories....when are you getting the tat of Jesus Freak on ya??......poor guy.....If only he knew what he was about to encounter!! "The Nikki!"
