Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Inspired by Aleena...

  I am starting this blog because I was SOOOO inspired by Aleena. I need to jot my memories down so that when I'm old and gray and my kids want stories I won't have to hurt my brain trying to remember ones to tell them. My life is FULL of stories because for some strange reason weird things always happen in my life! I am hoping life will get a little more exciting than what it is right now though!!!

  I feel as if this season in my life should be appropriately titled,  as William Shakespeare so eloquently put it, "Much To Do About Nothing." I spend most of my days on the internet searching for a job. It started off with me looking just for nanny positions but as months have passed I have become a bit more eager to find something and so I have moved into office jobs as well. I get quite a few replies from people looking to fill positions during the week  but when I respond to them the majority of them never respond back. I have been on several interviews and they tend to do the same thing... am I really that bad?? haha

  I have spent much of my time praying about this and though I have a peace that the Lord will provide I feel as though I have to live up to every one's standards around me. I know people are thinking why doesn't she JUST get a job and my response to that is I don't want to JUST live life. I want the job the Lord has prepared for me and opened the door for. Now of course people usually take that as I am being lazy and don't want to look for one but that is the farthest from the truth. I have spent too much of my life trying to work things out on my own and every time I do I end up on the bottom waiting for the Lord to pull me back up again. So this time I am fully waiting on the Lord as I actively look!!

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