Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reality: real or fake

  Today I spent some time with my puppy! Monkey and I cuddled in this beautiful gorgeous cool weather and enjoyed some loving! haha Then we had home made fried chicken with creamed red potatoes and it was delish. Now I am watching one of my loves: reality tv.

  On tonight's schedule we have Survivor, America's Next Top Model, Dog the Bounty Hunter, and Top Chefs Desserts. If you can't tell I love me some reality tv. Most of the time I know reality tv is not really a good word to describe it but I can't get enough! haha One of my all time favs is The Real Housewives series. I think my fav city done so far has to be New Jersey. I love the craziness of all the drama... puts my life's drama in perspective haha.

  I know I am crazy but one of my favorite things to do at night is to light my candles, turn my fan on, get under my covers, snuggle up with Scoobs and put a ridiculous show on!! Tonight I think Scoobs is mad at me because every time I try to cuddle him he pushes away and goes to the other side of our bed! Pray he doesn't go to bed angry!! hahaha

some of my candles

  I seem to be pulling stuff out my hiney tonight to talk about. Must be that I am exhausted and the fan blowing on my eyes isn't helping! Oh well!!! Sometimes life is just dull!!


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Butt Holes

  Oh man... I woke up this morning and, after reading my Bible for a while, decided to get on my old Xanga blog and read through it!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! All I could think the whole time was how ridiculous I was as a teenager! haha

  For those of you who don't know me I LOVE shopping online! Right now I am in the market to find some navy blue or purple boots for this winter. I have a huge addiction to buying dresses and heels too... OK not an addiction but it is one of my fav things to buy! My favorite stores consist of: Target, Old Navy, Forever21, and Charlotte Russe. LOVE the jewelery at the last 2!! Anyone have any suggestions of places that have well priced shoes and jewelery?

  I was reminiscing last night about Cleveland days. I guess Shig's (my roommate in Cleveland) blog made me start thinking of our funny stories. I am pretty sure we had too many to count but one of my all time favs was when we had the key to "some one's" (he shall remain nameless for the sake of not embarrassing him too much) house and decided we were going to go freak him out. So we broke into his house and at first we were just moving stuff around but then we decided to fix it all and hide till he got home. So we were going all over the house trying to find good hiding spots and in and out of the shower and closets. Finally we all decided to just go in his room and jump at him when he opened the door. So we're sitting there and I figure I will just get on his computer and look at his pictures and such! Well that was a huge  NO NO... I began clicking the next button to scroll through all the pics when ALL OF A SUDDEN pops up this butt that is bent over with cheeks wide spread!!! I almost puked!!!! I clicked next but it was already too late... I had been scarred for life!! I think either Smalls or Shig had seen it too but I refused to show anyone else because I didn't want to see it again!!! That was one of the scariest and yet funniest days of my life!!! hahahahaha

  When you live in a small town like Cleveland, TN you have to create your own entertainment and we were pretty good at that!! Thus why Mexican Train because so important to our sanity on the weekends haha!! I do miss my college days... I miss the prayer tower and all the revelations and words that were received there! I miss late night drives to get a krispy kreme donut (you pay I'll drive haha). But most of all I miss those relationships that were formed so deeply so quickly!!! Love y'all!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Jesus Freak

I have a lot of good traveling stories but I think my favorite (and I know it's Aleena's) is this one:

I can't really remember if I was headed home from TN or headed back to TN from home but I was in an airport haha. I was dressed appropriately for the situation... flesh tone pants (which we had named the nudey pants) with a black t-shirt that says "Jesus Freak" across the chest. My flight had been delayed so I was pretty anxious to get on the plane. They finally started boarding and were on e number away from my boarding number when all of a sudden a man decided it was the best time to strike up a conversation with me! But this was no normal man, he was one of those that says something and walks away or turns his head so you can't even tell if they are really talking to you or if you're hearing things. So, I thought I heard him say something, and me being me turned and said "huh?" !!!! haha I think he was hoping to just make his comment and then run but I was not clear on his goal! Then he proceeded to tell me he liked my shirt and of course I took that as, "ohh he loves the Lord!" NOT!!! I responded with "oh that's awesome. are you a christian?" my lame response was due to the tired state of mind I was in. Looking surprised he said "no! I'm an atheist... I thought your shirt was a joke, like sarcastic or something!" hahaha oh man if only this man had been made aware of who he was talking to... poor guy! lol I turned to him and said "nope, I love the Lord!" I don't really know how I expected him to respond to that because it was a pretty weird sentence to just leave by itself but our conversation turned into a theological debate. I was trying my hardest not to be rude and not debate because I knew I was NOT in the right state of mind. You know those conversations with people when they have questions about the Bible and you know the answers but at that moment you forget everything? Yeah, that was me! He kept asking me questions like, "well if God is real then how did this happen and why does this happen..." etc. And all I could respond with was, "the Lord healed my knees!" HAHAHAHAHAHA By this point everyone had boarded the plane and I NEEDED to get on. I think I ended the conversation by saying something like, "thanks for asking about my shirt"! OMG, as soon as I got in my seat all I could think about was, "Oh Lord what did I just do?" The whole flight things I SHOULD HAVE said kept popping into my head!!

This is not an unusual story for my life... but it still makes me life when I think about it to this day!

Anyone have any funny stories...?????

Friday, October 22, 2010

Women's conference

Tonight and tomorrow I will be at a women's conference at my church. This is the first conference I have been to in a LONGGGG time so it's going to be refreshing!

Does anyone else love a clean room?? I cleaned my room last week, like deep cleaned, and have spent the last week in here!! I light my candles and turn on my scentsy (apple is the flavor of the week) and drink some hot cocoa or tea while sitting in peace! haha Maybe it's my ocd or what not but a good organized room makes me smile!!! I am excited that my room is now ready for Christmas decorations!!!! AHHH

Speaking of Christmas...Ok so everyday I get on my tv and search for Christmas movies!! I am soooo thrilled for the day they start popping up so I can record them all (even though I've seen all of them every year lol)!!! And then the day when KOIT starts playing Christmas music!!! Life will be sooo joyous!!!

So I am not much of a recipe person, I love to cook by just throwing stuff together, but I've decided starting on Monday I am going to start jotting down the different things I cook... maybe I will even put them on here for all your enjoyment... all 3 of you! hahaha

Pray for this conference that the Lord has completely freedom with us!!!

What are y'alls plans for this weekend???

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The farm

  While some might call their homes a place of peace and quiet I would have to say my home is the opposite. We have 5 animal (2 cats and 3 dogs) as well as 3 1/2 woman living here (my best friend sleeps here a couple times a week usually and I LOVE it). Usually my room is off limits to all of the household except for Scooby (see first picture) and my mexican sister. I am very strange about people touching my bed, remember Shig? I don't know what it is but if I even dream that you touched my bed it creeps me out and our relationship will never be the same! :) So, only Scooby and a select few are allowed on my throne! haha  
  Scooby is my sleeping partner... he likes to sleep as close to me as possible (between my legs, under my side, or up against my back) unless Lisette (mexican sister/best friend) is over then he could care less if I were in the same house with him let alone the same bed. He and Lisette have a very unique relationship; they started off not to fond of each other and now they are bf/gf. It is a strange dynamic!

Monkey (aka Scooby)
  Now we move on to Bella. Around here she is known as Beast, big oaf, klutz, melma, etc. She is HUGE. I have always wanted a big dog and so when I found her online at a great price I was in the car on my way to pick her up within minutes! She was supposed to be my dog; I bought her, trained her, played with her, walked her, etc, but instead of her becoming my companion she clung to my mom. I was a little bitter! But I'm over it! Bella is THE MOST jealous dog you will ever meet. She is not only jealous of the other animals but if my mom is paying attention to her computer instead of her Bella will throw her 80+ lbs onto my mom's lap to get her attention. She does the same if my mom is eating as well. She's a pretty lucky go easy dog for the most part just don't mention the word kitty or let any other animals near her food... she'll go BALLISTIC!!!
  The last of the dogs is Lucky. He was our surprise pup. Lisette found him on the street and brought to my house so I could help her care for him and figure out what to do with him... BIG MISTAKE! haha We got him all cleaned up and gave him food and then my mom came home... he jumped up into her lap and batted his little puppy dog eyes at her and it was love at first sight. He adjusted well the chaos of the house and now we'd be lost without him. He is a great dog as long as the sun is up... but something changes when the sun goes down. Usually we just leave his bed open so he can go get in it because no body will mess with him if he's in there... we might lose an arm if we touched his bed. He's loco!!

Lucky climbing the fence at the dog park

  Then we have the cats, Tinka and Sterling. Tinka is my princess kitty. She is an orange tabby but I am pretty sure there is a mixture of some type of wild cat in her because sometimes she is crazy. She loves to sit in my mom's lap and when my mom isn't paying attention she will attack her arm at full force and then run away. Now she won't do that to me because she knows how much trouble she'll get in but for some reason she just loves to do it to my mom. Or sometimes she will be in her room (which is the office but we have designated it her room because she's spoiled) and will come running into the living room with the bushiest tail you've ever seen. Usually her tail is nice a straight. we've yet to find out what it means when she does that.

    Last but most assuredly not least, is Sterling, whom I call the king. He is an out doors cat except for at night when he comes in for his nightly cuddle and feeding. The best way I can explain sterling is that he does what he wants and doesn't do anything he doesn't want to do. The best example of this and our first impression was the day we went to pick him up; my mom was carrying him out and as soon as he saw the car he started getting very agitated. When she opened the door to put him in he did not want to go and so he latched onto her... with his teeth! As long as he is not forced into things he is a great cat... but don't you dare try to make him do something. Sterling pretty much runs things around the house. The dogs know their place with him (although they ALWAYS try to sneak a nibble here and there) and anyone knew to our house gets a warm welcome from the glare (what we call sterling face)!

  I love all my animals even though they cause a ruckus! They keep life interesting and me on my toes! I am so thankful that we are able to have them and care for them! They are my babies!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Inspired by Aleena...

  I am starting this blog because I was SOOOO inspired by Aleena. I need to jot my memories down so that when I'm old and gray and my kids want stories I won't have to hurt my brain trying to remember ones to tell them. My life is FULL of stories because for some strange reason weird things always happen in my life! I am hoping life will get a little more exciting than what it is right now though!!!

  I feel as if this season in my life should be appropriately titled,  as William Shakespeare so eloquently put it, "Much To Do About Nothing." I spend most of my days on the internet searching for a job. It started off with me looking just for nanny positions but as months have passed I have become a bit more eager to find something and so I have moved into office jobs as well. I get quite a few replies from people looking to fill positions during the week  but when I respond to them the majority of them never respond back. I have been on several interviews and they tend to do the same thing... am I really that bad?? haha

  I have spent much of my time praying about this and though I have a peace that the Lord will provide I feel as though I have to live up to every one's standards around me. I know people are thinking why doesn't she JUST get a job and my response to that is I don't want to JUST live life. I want the job the Lord has prepared for me and opened the door for. Now of course people usually take that as I am being lazy and don't want to look for one but that is the farthest from the truth. I have spent too much of my life trying to work things out on my own and every time I do I end up on the bottom waiting for the Lord to pull me back up again. So this time I am fully waiting on the Lord as I actively look!!