Thursday, January 8, 2015

Come Away With Me...

My lover said to me,
“Rise up, my darling!
Come away with me, my fair one!
Look, the winter is past,
and the rains are over and gone.
The flowers are springing up,
the season of singing birds has come,
and the cooing of turtledoves fills the air.
The fig trees are forming young fruit,
and the fragrant grapevines are blossoming.
Rise up, my darling!
Come away with me, my fair one!”
Song of Solomon 2:10-13

"Come away with me..." those words are sweet; they are refreshing; they are life-giving. The fact that THE Creator longs to steal away with me and release in and over me that which will bring fruit and beauty... it's simply (and yet so complexly) amazing. 

Tonight I cling to these verses as a promise from the Lord. That the harsh season is gone and now what is coming forth is beauty and life and hope. That by my just being with Him I am transformed and will see amazing things take place. 

The past couple months have been truly heavy for me. A lot of pruning and uprooting and rearranging of the important things in my life. I felt like I was in a tornado of never ending emotions and frustrations. Almost like being caught in a rip current and having to just hold my breath and let the ocean do its thing before I was able to get air again. It wasn't fun. And I don't think that this next season is going to be all rainbows and butterflies, but I believe that my mind has been shifted to see that "He is working all things to the good", and by me being obedient to just come away with Him I will get to walk in His life and fruit. That excites me! 

It's so easy when we are going through a harsh season to get stuck there... not because the Lord isn't helping, but because we become comfortable in the struggle and it becomes familiar to us. And we all know the human race does not like change! But in order for us to grow we have to endure hardships to build up perseverance that will establish hope in our hearts. So I now see these last couple of months of relationship issues, health problems, sadness and insecurities as times for me to learn to "come away with Him" and bear the fruit of that intimacy. 

Lord, I thank you for the refreshing of your word tonight. That you gently and lovingly speak in ways you know will minister to my heart and grow me. Thank you for loving me so much that you are jealous for my time; that you long for me to come away with you. I pray that we would learn to let your love pour over us in all times so that when the harshness of winter is past we will begin to see the beauty in the fruit of the spring. You amaze me Lord! Amen

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