Monday, December 15, 2014

His faithfulness!

You know, sometimes people will fail you... Actually, all the time people will fail you. We're human, it's part of our flesh. But thankfully, this post is not about the many times I have felt failed by those around me... Rather, it's about the abundantly large amount of times the Lord has NOT FAILED me. His (God's) faithfulness surpasses my wildest imagination.

You see, I have spent too much of my life counting the wrongs done to me and not enough time acknowledging the Lord's hand in my life. I have so many reasons to rejoice and celebrate because of His simple (yet deepest thing imaginable) love for me. The way He meets me in a moment of sorrow and whispers words of peace into my heart. Or the way He allows me to rest in Him when I feel overwhelmed. How about the fact that when I am rejoicing over something, He rejoices all the more. He loves me! HE loves me! SOOOO much! And He doesn't stop there, He loves YOU so much too!

It's crazy the depth of His love... I mean, come on, He IS love. So it shouldn't be hard to grasp... except for that tiny fact that we are sinners and we don't "deserve" to be loved. But even in the midst of that, He loved us SOOOO much that He gave His Son (John 3:16) for us to be able to be reconciled to Him and get to enjoy the lavishing of His love upon us.

Surely, this would excite us more! Cause us to rejoice! But, we dwell on our unworthiness as humans rather than His infinite worth of being glorified. And we don't stop there... when we feel unworthy we tend to want to bring other people down with us so we can dwell in a pity party together. Gosh, if we could just move past ourselves (myself included) and begin to just look at Him; rest in Him; be embraced by Him! The world would be such a different place!

So back to His faithfulness! I am making a vow for this New Year (really from this point on) to keep my focus on the good that He is! And rejoice in the fact that He chose me; He wants me; He loves me! Whether man meets my expectations or not... my life is not for them, but for my Beloved!

Father, I pray that today someone out there in the world that needs a reminder just like You've given me would read this post and feel you stir their heart! That we would all, as Your children, see You and allow You to overflow out of us! The closer we get to You the more we will see Your characteristics come out of us and the more effective we will be in this earth! Take our hearts and mold them! Take our minds and transform them! Thank you so much for all the MANY times you have faithfully provided, loved, encouraged, and so much more for me! I love you Lord! Amen

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