Monday, January 12, 2015


I sat in a sanctuary four nights ago caught up in the sweetness of the Lord. It was supposed to be a devotional but it turned into a time of just pure worship. As the lady who was leading would sing I could feel the natural shifting away and the Kingdom of Heaven invading. It was peaceful and yet so empowering... it's funny how the Kingdom of God works like that.

In the midst of this worship session she began to sing some lyrics that penetrated me. I listened over and over again as she sang this simple little chorus and realized that she was singing what my heart was crying out...

"Tune out all other distractions;
  Isolate this one conversation.
  Spirit of wisdom and revelation
  Open up my eyes!"

Wow... even as I typed that all I can think is "wow"! There is something about asking the Lord to remove the focus of our hearts from all the things in our lives that pull us from Him and in place asking Him to open up our eyes by the Spirit who brings wisdom and revelation. Wisdom and revelation... Father, give me the thought process of Heaven; of Your Holy Spirit and Son. To become more like the Lord means to walk in those things. To respond to people with wisdom and thus releasing Kingdom. I think it's even yet too deep for me to fully comprehend, let alone write about.

So, I sat there on Friday in a place of total abandon, just me and the Lord... and I was completely and utterly content in that. I never like using that word in reference to myself because I've never wanted to be ok with where I'm at... I know there is always more and so I have always wanted to push forward. But I'm learning in this season of life that being content doesn't mean I get lazy or dull in my relationship with the Lord or in my life... it simply means, "I know You have me here, right now because You see all things in full and I only see in part. You know the beginning and the end and so I trust that if I follow where You are leading or rest when You ask me to that I will never feel empty or lonely." In realizing this it makes all those other distractions worthless and brings an excitement to each and every moment or conversation I have with the Lord.

It's not up to me how the timeline of my life turns out or if it turns out the way I expect it to at all. Because I have surrendered my life into the hands of the Alpha and Omega I know that it's under control. And even in those seasons where things don't quite make sense, like right now, there is peace in knowing that He is working it all to the good. And I am more than ok with that!

Lord, my prayer is that You would constantly remind me that I thrive and grow the most when I allow You to tune out all the distractions around me and cause me to focus solely on the moment with You. And I am most beneficial in this earth when I allow Your Spirit to open up my eyes with wisdom and revelation. Thank You for Your faithfulness to teach and grow me... I am fulfilled in You!

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