Thursday, January 22, 2015


Ouch... that number is hard to type! 28 years of life! 10 more than 18; 7 more than 21! So much has happened in all those years... things that have shaped me, smoothed me, frustrated me, excited me, made me cry, made me laugh, and so on. There have been relationships that have stuck closer than a brother/sister, and then there have been ones that have lasted only a season. There have been life changing moments and moments of dry silence. Moments for sweat shirts and moments for tank tops. My life has consisted of so much and yet not seemingly enough! But everyday I am reminded that as I surrender and let go of the reins of my life that it doesn't matter what occurs that day because it WILL bring glory to my King!

Now that was just the beginning... I am about to get real vulnerable right now and let you in on an area in my life I often keep close to me and very protected... my heart!

When I was 16 thinking about turning 18 my views on life were so narrow. I expected to meet a man in college and marry him the second we finished school. When I was 18 turning 19, those things hadn't even started to happen... then 20 and 21 and 22 and so on happened and here I am at 28, still yet to see that dream come to fulfillment. But don't take that as my hope being lost! For I am in a place in my life where Deuteronomy 31:8 strongly applies:

"Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”

You see, my standards are HIGH! I can't emphasize that enough! THEY ARE HIGH! Because I am aware (maybe not fully but drastically) of the impact relationships and marriage have on your life. And I am not willing to settle for someone who is not ordained by the Lord to be in a relationship with me! The Lord has called me to do things I can't even fathom right now, and I don't say that in a bragging manner but with a humble heart because that is a big calling and it means the one who marries me will need to carry the same desire to be 100% in the hands of the Lord. So, I pray and I fast and I pray some more. I do not take lightly the term relationship. I know that no matter the form (friendship, family, romantic) they are hard work but so worth fighting for. And so they are worth my time in prayer and worth my time in tears! BUT my life's goal is NOT relationships; my life's goal is to be in one accord with the Lord. 

So, I am going to be ending this post by doing a little prophesying over my 28th year...

1) I will walk my path as a Proverbs 31 woman. Willingly giving up all of me for 
the sake of my beloved and his children.
2) There will be a harvest this year! A harvest of health! Health in every area of my life! No more disease will dwell in my body, relationships or emotions. (Psalm 85:12)
3) My strength will come solely from the Lord! (Nehemiah 8:10)
4) My actions and responses will shine fruit from Holy Spirit so people will be 
drawn closer to Him! (Galatians 5)
5) This year is a season of rejoicing and singing and dancing... 
not before man, but unto the Lord!

If you feel any other words over my 28th year of life please don't hesitate to comment and share them with me! These are the things that cause my heart to celebrate! 

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