Monday, October 30, 2017

Who Is He?

"Then he asked them, 'But who do you say I am?' ” 
(Matthew 16:15 NLT)

As I am reading through Matthew in my Bible I come to this verse and I stop. Because it catches my eyes and my heart. And I think, "who do I say He is?" I sit for a moment and ponder this question and then I continue to read.

After Jesus asks His disciples who they say He is, Peter's response comes quickly: "... the Messiah, the Son of the living God." And Jesus says to Peter that He did not discover this truth on his own, but the Father has revealed it to Him. And I stop again. It's a selah moment.

I ask myself, who has God revealed Himself to be in/to me? I think of so many circumstances in my life (some great and some not so great) and I look for Him in those moments. I recognize Him revealing Himself to me in many different ways, in many different circumstances. And I begin to make note of all the amazing attributes of God that have touched my life:

Debt Eraser
Lover of my Soul
My Constant
Victorious King

And my list kept growing. You see, Peter knew who Jesus was because the Father revealed  it to Him, and the same goes for me. Through every moment in my life the Lord has shown Himself faithful and revealed a little more about Who He is to me. From the first encounter I had with Him and finding His love for me was not just an emotion, but love is His very nature! To seeing Him provide in miraculous ways in my life, to Him healing my body... and so much more. 

In every season there is a new thing to learn about who He is and who we are in Him. And when I think about the Father revealing to Peter the identity of Christ, I can also clearly picture the part that follows where He reveals to Peter who Peter is. It's so much easier for us to know who we are as individuals when we allow God to show us who He is first. Reminds me of a few chapters previous where Jesus says to "seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." ( Matthew 6:33) 

I think I felt like I needed to share this today because someone is struggling finding who God is and who they are in Him. And I want you to know that He is faithful to reveal Himself. Look for His hand at work in your life even in the smallest of things. And if at first you can't see it, look again! Because He is there and He is working and He will reveal Himself to you. When He reveals Himself to you, you will begin to know who you are and what you are worth to Him. And my prayer is that as He reveals Himself to you, you will fall so in love with Him and your life will be forever marked by the infinite awe of all He is!

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