Sunday, October 1, 2017

What Are You Fighting?

In light of the nation's present standings, I have been spending much time thinking about, praying for, and lingering in the battle between "sides". Over the last couple of months I have read countless blogs, journals, articles, and social media posts that not only enrage me emotionally, but stir up a righteous anger in me. But contrary to popular belief I have not found myself leaning one way over the other. I read things from both ends of the spectrum, agreeing with some and whole-heartedly disagreeing with a lot from both.

And this has been the place where I have felt a huge tug-a-war going on inside of me, which has made it difficult to pray at times. I don't like my country being disgraced but I also do not agree with having more passion in patriotism than in our relationships with Jesus. So many people are hurting and it just seems like we can't get past this place, this moment in time... and then I had this moment of revelation. I was reading an Instagram post by someone at Bethel and they shared a verse in Ephesians. I decided to look it up and compare translations. When I read this translation it really clicked:

"Our fight is not with people. It is against the leaders and the powers and the spirits of darkness in this world. It is against the demon world that works in the heavens." Ephesians 6:12 (New Life Version)

WOW! Why are we so angry at each other? Why are we arguing about athletes kneeling during the anthem? Why are we outraged over stupid comments people make? Why are we spending more time being offended at each other instead of breaking off the chains of the real enemy? Speaking to myself here as well!

Our pettiness has reached an all new level of surreal, and I am so thankful that the Lord has opened my eyes to this tonight. We need to address the root. We need to align ourselves with the Spirit of God and follow His guidance in prayer. What if we spent 5 minutes in the morning putting on the armor of God to avoid allowing the schemes of the enemy to deceive us. That way when someone says something that would naturally offend or get us riled up, because that is inevitable, we would already be prepared to let those arrows bounce off. How about that for not bringing glory to the enemy? What if we spent our time focused on the Lord and what His heart is instead of letting the enemy be exalted through our petty flesh?

There are people out there really, truly hurting. People who do not know Jesus and the hope and joy that He gives. But if I am being completely honest right now, for the most part they aren't seeing a great representation of His hope and joy in His church right now. Church, we have to rise up. We have to fight for this nation in the ONLY way that will benefit it, by humbling ourselves and praying! We want healing? Then let's follow the guidance the Lord has already given us in His word (2 Chronicles 7:14).

I am asking you right now to join me in repentance and battle. May we stop focussing our vigor on each other, and may we turn our fight towards the real enemy! I believe we can see a healed nation. I believe God will still move in a mighty way. And I believe that if we can align ourselves rightly that He can do it quickly! Join me in joining Him!

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