Saturday, February 13, 2016

Why I Celebrate Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is tomorrow... first of all, how the heck are we already half way through February?!?! Geez la wheeze! But with that being said I have been spending some time thinking about this silly little holiday that is wrapped up in all things pink, red and chocolate covered.

It's a pretty funny thing the responses us single folk get around Valentine's Day... you know: the awkward avoidance's of the subject, sympathetic smiles, apologies after asking what our Valentine's plans are. And for some, I guess those precautions are needed, but for me I thoroughly enjoy celebrating February 14th. Why? Well let me break it down... 

In a day and age where love is often times stifled and looked at as a form of business thus fading fairly quickly, I find immense joy in having a whole day set apart to celebrate the true love shared around the world. To celebrate the man and wife who have fought for their marriage and stood the test of time for 60+ years; to rejoicing with the couple who have recently made the bold commitment to love each other in sickness and health; even celebrating the love a dating couple has for each by saving themselves till marriage... I will celebrate these things because they have value and when we don't recognize the worth of something so special it tends to fade away.

We see a world filled with hate and bitterness. Where divorce runs amok like an overflowing toilet. When couples can't seem to remember why they chose to say "I Do" in the first place and have lost every ounce of love they once held. We have seen over and over again the negativity that happens in a world where love is lost... so I choose to celebrate when love is found.

God, the I AM, Love Himself, blessed the earth when He gave Adam and Eve to each other. From their love came nations! Love creates; love changes things; love stretches us; love gives us depth. And I want to see those things not only in my life, but in the lives of those who I cherish. So I choose to acknowledge the value of love. In fact, I wish there were more of it around me to be able to celebrate.

I hope that the love I celebrate on this day will still be there many years to come. I pray that those who have not experienced love, that they will allow the Lord to be that for them! I have hope for this world and believe that Love can change it.

So this Valentine's Day if you are single I challenge you to not see the day as depressing and heavy, but take the chance to celebrate those who are fighting the good fight of keeping love alive in this world! It's hard work and it deserves to be celebrated! Yes, I do want to be able to celebrate it one day with a man of my own (lol) but today I choose to celebrate for those around me!

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