Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Drop Box

It's been a while, huh? While I figured right now would be a great time to write since I have a hundred other things I should be doing to get ready for my first cruise early Thursday morning... yeah, yeah procrastination at its finest. But hey, it's giving me a reason to share what's stirring in my heart tonight.


A word that often times is related to long processes, frustrations, large amounts of money, and a lot of times sorrow. People who are adopting often doing it because they cannot conceive children on their own. This can cause insecurities and bitterness. Then there are the adoptees who, most likely, at some point in their lives wonder why their birth parents gave them up leading to feeling abandoned and hurting. So much heaviness can be linked to this word adoption... but tonight, I connect this word with hope. 

I laid in my bed tonight looking to find something on Netflix to watch (this was the beginning of my procrastination finding an outlet). I came across the documentary titled "The Drop Box". I had heard of this movie several months ago in a Bible study from a fellow youth leader. As he talked about it I could hear the passion in his voice but truthfully, I was a little zoned out and didn't catch the point of the film. I knew it had something to do with a pastor rescuing babies but that was about it. I wasn't able to see the film and sort of just forgot it even existed. 

So tonight when I saw this title I got pretty excited to finally check it out. I mean I have always been about adoption, after traveling all over the world, and my own country, and seeing all the children of the world... red, brown, yellow, black and white... and experiencing how precious they were and knowing how much they were loved by the Lord (I don't care how cheesy "Jesus Loves The Little Children" is, it's super true), I had always held a special place in my heart to adopt some day. Maybe 1; maybe 2; maybe 10... I don't know, I just know it will happen. 

And so I turned the movie on...

I loved hearing the stories (or reading, since most of the documentary is in Korean lol) and I loved seeing the faces of those dear children. You could definitely see the heart of passion and love Pastor Lee has to serve the Lord by caring for the orphaned. But there was a specific point in the film where Pastor Lee says something that reminded me of a truth we all should walk in. He says: “The reason I decided to become their father was God has adopted me.”  Take a moment and let that sink in...

Because God has adopted me... chose me... loved me... comforted me... blessed me... anointed me... the list could go on and on. HE is our Father. And I know that I want to live this life through His heart as much as I possibly can. I know that adoption can be scary, but above and beyond that I also know how special and humbly it can be. To care for those who have no one to swoop them in to their arms and love them... that is the heart of the Father. And I am reminded tonight of my adoption into His arms... when the world pushed me out and I felt completely abandoned and alone, He was there embracing me and letting me know that the depth of His love for me goes beyond the deepest ocean and the furthest galaxy. 

I want to encourage you, if you have never thought of adoption as your thing, reconsider. Pray about it. We can never know the extent of life changing that can happen when we open ourselves up to be used to pour out the love of our Father... but we don't know to know, we just need to obey!

Lord, if it be Your will, open the hearts of those reading this to reach out in obedience to You and allow You to use them to change the lives of those around them. Let us be Your vessels for You to pour out love. Whether it is through adoption or through sharing a meal with a person without a home. Let us shine Your light in whatever way possible. Amen.

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