Monday, February 29, 2016

Dreaming... It's Ok!

Hi, I'm Nikki and I am a dreamer. I dream dreams of all sizes: big, small, now and future. In fact, I'm such a dreamer that many of my strengths from Strength Finders play in to dreaming... (side note: if you have never taken a Strength Finders test I would highly suggest you do it. Whether you are in ministry, school, business, etc it will help you to hone in on your strengths to be able to reach your goals more effective and efficiently. So after you read my post, google Strength Finders! Commercial over.)

Back to my being a dreamer. Because I love coming up with new ideas and casting new vision I can sometimes be so caught up in the dreams that when I look reality in the face it all seems so impossible. My current circumstances often pulling my feet back to the ground and informing me that these 'dreams' will never become reality. That I will never see the things my heart longs for. See, the enemy loves to come and steal, kill and destroy and by telling a dreamer that these desires are not possible He makes a good attempt at achieving his goals. But I am thankful that I serve the God of dreams. The God who showed Joseph unbelievable dreams that caused Joseph to cling to the promises. And so I get to laugh in the enemies face and remind him who I serve... Johovah Shammah: The Lord who is There! He is, He was and He always will be. He knows my dreams and I can rejoice in that... even if I don't see how they will ever come to be.

I know I'm not the only dreamer out in this crazy world, and that is why I wanted to write this blog. It doesn't matter if you've been dreaming for 5 minutes or for 80 years, don't lose hope. Remember all the crazy things Joseph had to go through before he saw his dreams fulfilled: mocking, abandonment, slavery, imprisonment... but he never gave up. He trusted the Lord. I want that to always be my example and I pray you can allow his story to rekindle any lost hope that may have faded over the years. 

You see, I often get discouraged that the majority of the people around me do not support or encourage my dreams. But instead of dwelling on what those people don't do, I remind myself of the ones in my life that do support me and do want to see these dreams come to pass. Those are the kind of people I want to keep in my life. Friends who know that my heart to travel and love on people is a huge part of who I am. It is a piece of me that the Lord created and that I want to see fulfilled... and they get it. They support me in prayer, they support me in conversations, they support me in hugs and sometimes even in finances. I am grateful for those dream encouragers!

I think I say all this tonight because I know how easy it is to get discouraged and want to give up. Feeling stuck in the now and it looks like you'll never move out of this place... that's exactly where I am right now, feeling stuck. But I want to remind you (and myself) that just because you FEEL stuck doesn't mean you ARE stuck. Trust the Lord, lean not on your own understanding, submit all your ways to Him and HE WILL make your path straight (Proverbs 3:5-6 paraphrased), that right there is a promise we can cling to! 

So Lord, let us dream even more. Let us lean in to You and submit all to You and see how You do Your wondrous works in our lives. I ask that you would bless us who are dreaming of the things You have for us; teach us to wait in You. Encourage those who are struggling to hold on to their dreams and remind them that You are the dream giver. I pray that the deceitful ways of the enemy would be broken off and that in place of his negativity You would plant hope and expectancy! Thank You for allowing us to dream! Thank You for allowing us to be excited for the things You have called us to. I ask for open doors and opportunities to swing wide in this season. And help us to be ready in season and out of season. All of this for Your glorious and wonderful name, Amen!

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