Monday, May 18, 2015

See His Love

Yep, another song. What can I say, the Lord likes to use songs to stir me up. :) 

"Greater love no one could ever show
Mercy so undeserved, freedom I should not know
All my sin, all of my hidden shame
Died with Him on the cross, eternity won for us"

Such love... such sweet, sweet love! That He laid down His life for us. A basic truth to the foundation of our faith and yet, we forget. We forget that we only have salvation and freedom because of His love for us (John 10:10). That we only love Him because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). That our healing stem from the wounds He bore out of love (Isaiah 53:5). No human on earth could possibly offer us such love.

As easy as that is to type in this moment, often I forget that these things took place. So caught up in the to-do lists, trying to earn a living, my health, my comfort and sooooo much more, that I forget! The very One that my heart longs for, I forget. The very reason I am even alive, I forget. But to prove how vast His love is, how immeasurably amazing He is, He graciously calls to me overtime I forget. He lovingly embraces me until I remember again. Until I stop seeing through these ridiculous human eyes and begin to see and feel and breathe through His Spirit in me. In those moments He reminds me that His love covered all of my sins. His love does not condemn me, but it calls to me saying "I am here... Always!" 

I want that to dwell in the forefront of my mind at all times. Not just every now and then; not just when it's convenient, but ALWAYS! Because as much as I DON'T deserve an ounce of His love, multiply that by infinity and that is how much He DOES deserve my love!

Holy, loving One. I can't even fathom this life without You and Your sacrifice for me. And all I want to do is honor You; all I want to do is exalt You. You are so worthy and so beyond deserving of everything and anything I can give! May Your sweet Spirit remind me of that more often. Would You help me to allow Him to speak and guide me more than just every once and a while. Let me always remember that all of my sin, all of my hidden shame died with You on the cross and eternity was won for me!

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