Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Never Lose The Wonder

May we never lose our wonder
May we never lose our wonder
Wide eyed and mystified
May we be just like a child
Staring at the beauty of our King

Today as I drove to work I had my music turned down low and I was thinking about my walk with the Lord. I reminisced about the ups and downs I've had with Him. The times I had set my eyes as flint on Him; and the times I allowed my focus to wander like a dog chasing it's tail. In the midst of the ups and downs I have felt like I had no clue who the Lord was, but even worse than that, there were times I felt like I know exactly who He was. And in that moment of thinking, this song came on (Wonder by Amanda Cook) and I realized what a catastrophe it is for us to think we have the Lord figured out... to lose every bit of wonder!

The Lord is a... complex? No... He's an unexplainable being! Yet, He allows us to know Him. There's no possible way for us to know Him completely, but the parts our human minds can comprehend are AMAZING! But when we think that we know all there is to know, we've taken the wonder out of Him. We've placed Him in a box of humanly explanations. We've brought Him down to our level. But He so far surpasses our level that nothing we could think if could compare to His majesty... His love... His faithfulness... and so much more!

I think about the stories in the Bible when Jesus did unexplainable things, like when He saved the prostitute from being stoned and bent down to write in the dirt. Why did He write in the dirt? Why did Holy Spirit feel that was a necessary part of the story that needed to be in the Bible? Or when Jesus healed the blind man by spitting in the dirt and putting mud over the man's eyes. He could have just looked in the mans direction and healed him... but there He chose the mud. How about this big one... Why did the Father choose to send His Son? Why is His love for us so deep that He gave us an escape route from sin and death?

So many questions (and believe me every time I read the Bible I add on to my list of things I will ask Him about in Heaven lol)!! But I love Him. I am in awe of Him. I want to worship Him. I don't fully understand, which He tells me in His word that I will only understand in part, but it's ok. We have to be ok with not having every answer. With understand that He is sovereign... He is God! 

So, tonight I want to encourage you (especially all you control freaks out there like me)... Take some time and let the wonder of who He is fill you. Be ok with not knowing and simply having faith. Be ok with Him revealing only what He wants, when He wants. 

He's so worthy of our wonder!

If you can, just play this song and listen with your eyes closed and let yourself sit in 

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