Saturday, May 23, 2015

Redemptive Grace... and Josh Duggar

The world is often confused as to why we would stand by someone after committing such terrible acts... and I want to share a little bit of my heart on the matter. 

As I've been praying for this situation and family I've been reminded over and over that sin is sin and it is going to happen. Why? Because we are sinners. Simply put. We make wrong choices daily. We, often, have huge skeletons in our closets that no one knows about, because if they did we know we'd be stoned with words and attitudes that often hurt more than rocks themselves. Though past decisions and actions may not be who we are today, they do linger. 

 But the God of creation, Love himself, gave us a way out. That does not mean He is our crutch for doing sinful things and claiming "grace", but that when we fail (because we will... all of us) that there is grace for us to be forgiven and changed. For us to walk in redemption. 

What is redemption? Redemption is saving; it's freeing; its absolution from sin.  Josh Duggar may not be deserving of this thing called grace and redemption... But who among us is? Not me... Not you... Not any of us. This is the truth:

"This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." 
Romans 3:22-24

He is our grace. He is our redemption. He is also Josh's grace and his redemption. And I am reminded of the story of the adulterous woman in the Bible. The wisdom Jesus had in not condoning this woman's sins, but also giving her the grace she needed... it astounds me. The people demanding an answer from Jesus as they declare that this sin is punishable by stoning, and Jesus simply says: "All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!" If we thought that way how much would actually change in this world? It's amazing grace.

In all that I've said, I hope you understand that I am not standing for the sins that Josh Duggar has committed in the past. I am not saying what he's done is ok... even in the slightest. My heart is that, is the giver of grace and redemption can wipe my slate clean every time I fail, and change my heart... He can definitely do it for anyone, including Josh Duggar. And so, I do not condone his sins, but I pray for and stand by the man whom my Jesus offered redemption to... and I give God all the glory for rescuing him from a life that was headed to destruction.

Father, you are the giver of life, and every time we fail you are faithful and just to forgive us. I am so thankful for that. Lord, I ask that as the news of Josh Duggars past spreads far and wide and is discussed and judged over and over again, that you will be that family's comfort. That you would remind them and him that, yes, what he did was wrong, but also remind him of that amazing grace. That you rescued him. You pulled him out of the miry clay and changed his life. I pray that there would be people that see through your eyes that can come in and speak life and truth into the midst of this chaos. Holy Spirit please be the releaser of truth right now. Let no lie be given flory, but let truth reign. I just pray for peace Heavenly Father. Your sweet peace. In Jesus' name, Amen!

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