Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The doubt...

What if... that question tends to be a stumbler for most people. It can often block us from moving forward with actions because of the fear that is attached to it. It can block trust and faith from shining through in our lives and keep us from experiencing true freedom. This is fresh in my mind today because of the season I just stepped into this week. I accepted a position as a front desk secretary. And don't misread my emotions, I am so excited to be working and be around people daily, but if we go back to the first line of this entry that question keeps popping up. 

What if I get stuck here?
What if it changes me?
What if I have to stop doing ministry?
What if I miss out?
What if? What if? What if?

You see, I have this desire to live a life of ministry... and I believe I am called to that life also. I believe the giftings the Lord has given me were specifically because He's called me into ministry. Now if I had my way I would be traveling weekly to places to minister and share the message the Lord has placed in my heart, but His ways are higher than my ways. He knows better than I where I need to be and for how long. So, why then am I asking all these what if's all the time? Why am I fearful that I won't see promises He's made me come to fruition? It's all because of this ridiculous thing called flesh. 

As I sit here typing I'm having this amazing revelation... the more I give in to these negative "what if" questions the less glory I am giving to the Lord. For if His word says He works all things to the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose then I should know that His mighty hand will show through. 

He will use me!
He will grow me!
He will open doors for me!
He will give me opportunities to minister!

He is a faithful God! And all that He does stems from love because HE IS LOVE! So there is no part of His being that wants to see me fail. And there is no part of Him that lies, so the promises He's made will come forth. Today I am thankful to serve a God who is constant and kind!

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