Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Busy Busy Bumble Bees

The WHOLE year I am never busy until it gets to December and January... it's like everything decides to cram itself all into those 2 months haha!

Sorry it's been so long... I can't believe it's almost been a month since I last posted! haha I feel lame!


  I don't even know where to go to catch y'all up so I am just going to tell you about last night! A few of us went to a live "nativity" (it's not really a nativity it's more like a live Bethlehem in the time where Jesus was born) and it was soooo much fun! When we pulled up the line was wrapped around the block and I just knew it was going to great because of how many people showed up! We were in line for a while and when we got in to the place you could just smell fires burning and hay everywhere! There were animals all over the place and that was my fav part of course. They had camels, llamas, donkeys (who ever knew donkeys were so cute) sheep, goats, bulls, cows, and chickens!
  We made our way through the crowds and past all the animals over to the manger where they had tons of angels singing and dancing over the manger (pics to come). It was very awe inspiring! Kind of took my breath away! I definitely plan on making it a tradition to go back every year that I possibly can!

I cannot believe my beloved Christmas season is almost gone!! However I do have my birthday to start counting down to! It is a month away from yesterday!!! Please send all presents to ME!!! hhaha... I take checks!

I would love to go caroling tomorrow... maybe I can work that out some how!! hmmmm

well until next time (only God knows how long that will be from now haha) have a GREAT Christmas... enjoy your family and friends and don't forget that the greatest gift you are able to give is to be a light in some one's life when all they can see is darkness!!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Nikki!!! I do know about taking time to update my blog. I love it but, sometimes I just don't do it. LOL Have a good one Bumble Bee! LOL
