Wednesday, February 19, 2020

A Journal To Gratefulness... Week 3: CHANGE

Happy Wednesday!

I am so thankful that I am on this journey and that you are coming along with me. Not only does it help hold me accountable with following through in this process, but it also encourages me that Im not the only person wanting to change the world by changing my mindset first! I think a certain famous singer said it best:

"I'm starting with the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways, 
and no message could have been any clearer, 

Do I think gratefulness is powerful enough that it could change this world?

I believe that is dependent on if we it allow it to change us first. The reality is you can receive a gift from someone and say "thank you" and it just be an auto response that comes from your mouth... this is not the goal here. The goal is a shift in heart, not just in deeds. A transformation in mind, not just in words.

So, I pray that the Lord would begin to germinate this seed of gratefulness. I'm just starting out but I have already recognized several moments where my normal/natural responses would have been to be discouraged, upset, or annoyed, but instead I have quickly looked for a good in the moment. Let me share a quick example:

While I was "stuck" at home with my sick pup (see last blog) we were having some 
crazy weather where I live. There was snow, ice, heavy rains, flooding, etc. 
I was hearing about accident after accident on the roads and immediately I was so thankful
that I was at home safe instead of having to be out driving in the weather. 

Was this a huge thing to be grateful for? Probably not. But was it a change in heart from how I would normally respond? Most definitely! I am so glad that 3 weeks in to this journey I am already seeing mindsets shift. I am so grateful that this isn't the end, and I will continue to see growth. Because I really do want to see the world changed... and I know I won't make a difference in the world if I cannot first make a difference in myself.

Some things I was grateful for this week:

  • My piano and the lessons I am taking to learn how to play it.
  • The therapy of getting your hands dirty (or cooking lol) in the kitchen.
  • Strategic days... one of my strengths is strategic planning, so to have a day set aside to do that is 👌🏻!!!!

"Grateful: (adjective)
    warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received; thankful" - 

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