Tuesday, February 4, 2020

A Journal To Gratefulness... Week 1: BEGINNINGS

Oh goodness... where, oh where to start?!?

I guess I'll let you in on WHAT I'm doing first...

I'm starting a journey. A journey that's been a long time coming. One that I am hoping will drastically change my life. One that will invite those around me to join in.

I'm on a trek to position my heart in a place of gratefulness.

Yes, that does sound very hippyish, lol. But I have felt in my heart for a while now a pulling to reassess and recalibrate my way of thinking... and I am hopeful that this is a step in that direction.

I'm calling this journey "A Journal To Gratefulness", with journal being a play on the word journey.

(cover of the journal... don't judge it's rugged taped corners lol)

This journal will be a place I visit everyday. It will house the things I'm grateful for, big or small. My goal is to eventually find myself immediately recognizing and being grateful for the wonders happening in my life instead of having to force myself to search them out when I'm overwhelmed.

If you follow me on social media you will have seen posts from me discussing the hard season I'm in, and the hard seasons I have walked through previously. I need my mind to get away from immediately seeing the heavy and carrying the weight of those situations, to instead recognizing the blessings that are in front of me. I believe it will make for a happier and healthier Nikki, who will be even more available when the Lord wants to use her.

With that being said, the daily goal is to write at least one thing down that I'm grateful for or that was a blessing each day. Doesn't matter if it is a dream coming true one day or just waking up and breathing the next... the goal is not to make something big happen everyday, but to acknowledge whatever the Lord doing in that moment! Which leads me to the part of the journal that all my list making, rule following friends will love: the PLEDGE portion.

This list is not to put restrictions on me, but to free me up from the part of my personality that likes to be in control, and there is room for this list to grow as time tells:

- Allow this to become a heart adjustment.
- No pressure or shame for the PROCESS this is going to take me through.
- No guidelines on what to be grateful for... it all counts.
- Allow for different seasons to play out without constraint.
- TRUST the Lord through this.
- Learn.
- Really celebrate these things... big or small.

(Be cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life. 
Let joy overflow, for you are united with the Anointed One! Philippians 4:4 TPT)

I'm ready and I'm excited for this journey. I need it. I need a shift in thinking and in heart. And my guess is I'm not the only one that needs it. In fact, I really believe a people filled with gratefulness for the Lord, life, each other, etc would drastically change this world. So, I'm opening up this invitation to you as well. Will you join me on this journey?

I plan to write a weekly blog that discusses how the previous week went and share a few of the things I wrote in the journal that week. I would love for you to follow along with me and even share some of the things you're grateful for... so please feel free to use the hashtag #AJournalToGratefulness when sharing your experiences. I would love to include (with your permission) some of the things you share in my weekly blogs as well because I truly believe in the power of a testimony being shared.

So you ready? Because I am!

On your mark... get set... GO!


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