Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Keeping People In a Box

It’s to the detriment of the church and self that one not serve the Lord in action; but it is to the plight of those who choose to serve that leaders are content with them remaining in the place where they first started.- Something the Lord has been speaking to me about.

I hear it said all the time: to be in ministry means to have a willingness to serve; scrub toilets, mop floors, pick up crumpled bulletins in the sanctuary, hold crying babies, sing in the choir, etc. And I agree... But I have seen all too often someone take that step to serve in whatever area is needed and leadership become content with keeping them there. And it’s not necessarily on purpose, in fact most times it is subconscious. It becomes easy to not pursue that person or help them find what they are called to. They have found a void to fill and that removes an ounce of stress from the leadership’s shoulders. It’s hard to find volunteers; it’s hard to keep volunteers. So I understand the peace that comes from finding a willing worker for a job that needs to be done.

But this is sad, and beyond sad it’s dangerous. Yes, we must all have the humility to do the dirty work, the simple jobs, or the unwanted tasks. We should all start somewhere... but the most important part of that sentence is “START”. One of the goals of being a leader, especially in the body of Christ, is to be build up and release people in their giftings and strengths to be beneficial in their home, work, church, community, and world.

We need to build up a body that keeps movement and growth happening. If someone is kept serving in an area that does not match their gifts/calling, it not only will harm their growth, but the growth of the church. Not to mention, missing out on what they truly have to offer.

“God calls every believer and gives every believer gifts and abilities. Our role as church leaders is to help people 
discover and utilize those gifts – and help them understand they will be held accountable for how they used them.” 
- A Spirit Empowered Church: An Acts 2 Ministry Model

I have been involved in many church settings, ministries, and Christian communities. I have seen and personally experienced the lack of motivation for helping our fellow followers of Christ to use the talents God has given them, and instead unconsciously (and possibly at times purposely) asking them to bury those talents in the name of (first) necessity and (then) comfort. 

I feel as though we are missing out. We’re missing out on the creative things the Lord has placed inside of people because it takes work to pull out of them. We are missing out on fruit for the Kingdom because we have allowed gifts to remain un-searched and covered up. And it’s time we break that mold. 

I’m challenged to dig deeper into the people I know and meet. I’m not the leader of a church or ministry, but I want to start somewhere. And I’m praying that leaders will grasp this idea, this goal. I’m praying there will be a longing stirred in their hearts to not just build up and release the personalities that are comfortable to them, but to create an atmosphere in their churches where people know their gifts will be sought out and put to use. That their congregations will feel the support and strength of the leadership helping them find who they are and what they are called to.

And as a disclaimer: don’t get me wrong, we need to serve and do things sometimes that are not “what we are gifted in”... but there is something different that takes place in our hearts when we are doing those tasks alone and when we are doing them supported by our leaders and community. 

I’m reminded of David as a young boy, caring for the sheep of his father while his brothers all stood before Samuel. Samuel saw with his natural eye attributes in David's brothers that could make for great leadership. But God's admonishment in 1 Samuel 16:7  shows us that God was not looking at what the outside presented, He saw what was inside. We also see in this chapter David's own father dismissing the gifts inside of David... it doesn't seem as though he was doing it to be cruel, but simply out of his lack of insight. But God, in all of His wonderful ways, speaks to Samuel of who David was created to be and by Samuel's obedience to release that over David it changes the course of a young man's life and the history that we have because of him. It's a beautiful imagery of what can change in someone's life when people are willing to hear and see who God has called them to be.

And as I have typed all this out I have been praying that a shift in the body of Christ would take place. That we would take time to hear and see what the Lord has placed inside those around us. Let us begin seeing people step into who they are and what they are called to because we take the time to acknowledge it in them and help them grow. May we not be content with simply filling voids and handing out tasks, but may we take the time to learn about the people around us and help them find the place where they prosper. And in doing so, may the Kingdom of God be multiplied and the body of Christ be strengthened.

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