Tuesday, July 17, 2018

A Person Is A Person

Dr. Seuss left us with a quote often perceived as cliche... 
...but I would beg to differ. In fact, I'd like to add to this wonderful quote:

A person's a person no matter how tall, how wide, how thin, how educated, how light 
or dark their skin is (or anything in between)! A person's a person not because we approve of 
them, a person's a person because the Lord created them... in His image... 
with a plan and a purpose for their life. A person's a person NO MATTER WHAT!

Today my heart was stirred for humanity. And because of that I'm causing myself to recognize and remember that each person on this earth is deserving of being treated as a human being. Meaning what? Meaning they deserve to be loved, deserve to be encouraged, deserve to be cheered on by their family and friends. Every person deserves to have someone in their corner, running this race of life with them, celebrating with them in victory, and mourning with them in sorrow. Because a person is a person.

Today I witnessed something that has radically shaken my core. It is causing me to reach deeper inside of myself, break down comfort zones I have built up, and to remember that God's most important commandments to us were to love Him and to love each other. The story I'm about to share could be a trigger for someone, and so I want to warn that it pertains to suicide. If this is a sensitive topic for you, first, know that I am praying for you, second, PLEASE reach out to someone, and third, you may not want to read any further.

My morning started early, and on not much sleep. I got up and turned my Uber app on and I was out the door. I ended up picking up a couple going to the San Jose Airport, only for them to realize as we were getting off on the exit that they had put in the wrong airport and their flight was really from SFO. So I helped them get it figured out and we started the long drive to SFO. I knew I'd probably go in to the city after that because that's the norm for when I end up at SFO. But what I didn't know was that I would get all but 2 of my rides in for the day during that trek to SFO. 

When we reached SFO I dropped of the couple and had 2 people heading into the city in my car... just as I figured. I got to the city and picked up my last 2 rides and then I was done. Rarely am I ever done that early and so I was excited to be heading home to catch up on my lack of sleep from last night. I got to the bridge and something just didn't feel right... the only way I can explain it is that the atmosphere felt very heavy. I tried to shrug it off and stay excited for my nap, but I quickly learned why. 

The bridge had 2 lanes closed off and because of that traffic was backed up and moving slowly. I was driving with my windows down, as I usually do in the city. All of a sudden I was hearing screaming and crying and men shouting: "Ma'am please don't!" "Stay calm" and whatever else they could say to try to change the direction this moment was headed. As soon as I heard all of the chaos I looked to my right and there, on the ledge of the bridge, was a sobbing woman about to take her life. Just as I was passing the scene the highway patrol got ahold of her legs and were able to pull her off the ledge and to the ground. The last thing I heard as I left that moment were the most hopeless, hurt filled words I've ever heard; she began screaming over and over: "please, just let me jump; let me go!"

If you need a minute after reading that I truly understand... I needed several minutes after seeing/hearing it to breath. It was heavy, actually, it still is heavy. I cried. I prayed. I felt the Father's heart for her in her hopelessness. And then started remembering the many stories of people I know, or know of, that didn't get the intervention this woman got... and I cried all over again.

Man, we're missing something guys. We are missing a piece to the puzzle that reminds us that we need each other. We need to be honest and vulnerable with each other. We need to check in on each other. There are so many out there trying to fight these horrible thoughts about themselves on their own... and we just weren't meant to do that. And today something changed in me from seeing and hearing the cries of this woman as she almost lost her life. I don't know all the answers, but I know we need to pray and we need to be purposeful in loving each other... EVEN WHEN IT'S HARD and AWKWARD! Let's be available and let's even pray for the Lord to send people our way so He can use us to intervene. Because a person is a person, and they deserve someone caring enough to stand with them.

Lastly, I want to say to anyone who is reading this that is struggling with any thoughts that are negative about yourself... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE know that someone cares. I am here. And if that freaks you out I have attached the phone number for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline 
(1-800-273-8255) and the link to their online chat site. Please reach out! I am praying you find the strength and courage to reach out, and for peace in your heart and mind. You are a person, and you deserve for us to care about you... and we do!

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