Monday, October 27, 2014


As I sit in my bedroom with candles lit, windows opened and the sound of the dogs running around in the yard with the smell of fall all around me... it makes me think on the many seasons my life has brought me through thus far.

The baby years, toddler years (both of which I obviously cannot remember), elementary school, middle school, high school, college... all of these mostly awkward and defined by my age. Then the after college years start and I recognize a shift in the seasons. I remember the season of joblessness for 3 years and then the season of Bay Fusion for the 3 after that. Seasons of hopelessness in being single and then seasons of rejoicing for the freedom of singledom. Seasons of ministry and seasons of rest... mind you the latter of those two is decently harder than the first. So many seasons to learn so many lessons and see growth. But it never matters which season I am thinking about, I can see the hand of the Lord clearly in the midst.

Right now in this season of walking in trust and peace the previous seasons bring me a sense of hope. For in all of those times the Lord never failed to bring fruit out of things that may have seemed furthest from being able to produce anything good. He is so faithful.

It's funny this season of life. I was certain the pictures I had in my mind at ages 16, 21 and 25 for this time in life would be exactly how I was living... but I'm pretty far off from those places. And that's ok with me. Because part of living a life of obedience to the Lord is trusting that His ways are higher than my ways. Where I thought things had to look 'this way' in order for my life to mean something, the Lord spoke softly and said, "my love, trust your beloved." Somehow, those words just make everything ok. :)

So, here I am... trusting. Maybe I will have those dreams come true... or, maybe my dreams will change! There's only One that knows and He's got my heart. In season and out, I will trust Him.