Tuesday, February 22, 2011

One Reason...

Listening to J. Upton right now after just reading through Hebrews. The Lord is opening my eyes up to what faith really is and what we've made it in to. I know for me the first thoughts that pop into my mind when I think about the word "faith" is 1) There is a God and 2) Ask and you shall receive. But today the Lord is transitioning my thinking! Yes, in the beginning we have to have faith that God is there but as we grow in a relationship with Him we should no longer have to have faith but we should KNOW He is there. As I started thinking about that statement I began to question where else faith comes in to play. I thought about how we believe in the Lord and yet we don't trust Him. Trust is a huge part to faith. We can believe in the Lord and yet not trust that He knows what He's doing and that He has plans and purposes for our lives. We can quote that scripture all we want and pretend to believe it but if we are not applying it, truly believing it then the faith is not existent. We tell the Lord, "we trust you, we wait on you, you know what's best" and then we turn around and complain, "ugh I don't want to be here anymore" or we begin to start making plans of our own. Since when did faith in the Lord mean we take things into our own hands? We trust Him enough to save us but not enough to lead us in life. I don't know about you but I would rather sit in the same spot for 10 years if it were the Lord's will than to have traveled the whole world over and to have lost faith that the Lord would lead my feet. So, in ending (haha) my thoughts are, "if we have faith the Lord is real than we should stir our faith in His word and promises and not neglect that part of faith!"

The End! haha

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