Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mixed Emotions

Al reminded me I hadn't written in a while! Ooops! lol

This weekend is going to be one filled with mixed emotions. First, I will be a leader at a Jr. High lock in... somebody pray for us haha!!! It is going to be chaotic, crazy, humorous, tiring, exciting, loud, fun, etc... I looking forward to the craziness, been away from it too long!!! After I leave the lock in on Saturday morning I will be rushing home to sleep for a few hours before I head to a funeral of a beloved friend and woman who was like every body'sgrandma. It will be a great celebration of her life and yet very sorrowful that she is no longer here with us!

Then on Sunday I will be at church ALL day. I have offered to help teach and work with the youth group on dramas and human videos for Fine Arts Festival this year. I am pretty excited about it because it is an outlet I haven't been able to use for a while and has been kind of numbed. It's exciting feeling the joy that comes from creating and doing arts.

It has been a crazy month and I promise I will try my stinking hardest to blog sooner than later this time haha... I know, I know I make it sound like a million people are living on the edge of their seats waiting for my blogs haha

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