Saturday, June 15, 2019

Hope Changes

It's hard for the world to agree on anything now days. From religion to politics to vaccines to the environment, there are so many differing opinions with so many differing perspectives. And I am MOST DEFINITELY not here to say one is right and one is wrong... but one thing we all have succumb to is that the world we live in is a crazy and intense mess.

I've been thinking a lot about how the world reacts/responds when disastrous events take place. I see a theme when I look back through all the ones I've been alive for...
For some reason, in the midst of sorrow and grief we begin to care for each other without bias. For a brief moment in time we forget the disagreements and tend to the wound that has been created. We cry together and we start rebuilding together. But most of all we come together in hope for tomorrow.

And then reality sinks in and in a flash we enter in to the quick sand of opinions and theories and disagreements. We forget about the PEOPLE and begin to stare at the DIFFERENCES. All at once that moment of hope comes crashing down. I believe this to be a big offensive play by the enemy. Why? Because hope united empowers a world to make change and to care for one another; hope divided can only bring ruin.

I was watching Hunger Games the other day when the character President Snow said something that hit me in this thought processing:

"A Little hope is effective, a lot of hope is dangerous. 
A spark is fine, as long as it's contained."

Let that sit with you for a second. 

The enemy knows that if he can keep our hope contained and distracted he won't have to worry about anything changing. But I'm calling his bluff. I believe in the God who created us. I believe in His word. And when I read Hebrews 10:23-24 I believe in our ability to not only hope but to protect our hope so it can grow and spread...

"So now wrap your heart tightly around the hope that lives 
within us, knowing that God always keeps His promises! 
Discover creative was to encourage others and to motivate 
them toward acts of compassion. doing beautiful works as 
expressions of love."

... not just in times of tragedy. But at all times. We can rise above and we can hope. It's our choice. Especially as believers and followers of Jesus. We get the chance to LEAD THE WORLD IN HOPE!

So next time you scroll by a post on social media that doesn't share the same thought as you, instead of responding with a battle cry of division try encouraging that person. Instead of staring at the mom  with a screaming toddler and judging her parenting, offer a hand. Do something. Make the choice to stir up hope. Don't sit back and wait for the world to self implode when you have the ability to change it... because you do!

Thanks for reading through my thoughts today.

Jesus, help us to love You and to love others because of You. Let hope arise in our hearts and spread like a wildfire in the world. Amen!

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