Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Roots

I was riding on a bus through rural Costa Rica... doing as I usually do on car rides, gazing out of the window and taking in the scenery. I happened to look over at this larger tree with very thick roots coming out of the edge of a cliff. And then I noticed several smaller trees along that same ledge. They were much smaller, a lot weaker looking, and their roots were not as deep or fully developed. But what I noticed next is really what spoke to my heart...

The roots from that bigger, stronger, and older tree were coming out of the ground to support and protect those newer trees. Giving them room to grow, to branch out, and yet keeping their root system secure. And then I heard the Lord say:

 “In order for this next generation to succeed and grow 
in depth and strength the previous generation was going to need
 to support and protect their growing process.

(Disclaimer: this is not the original tree... I tired to capture something similar, 
but this is not as extravagant as the first I saw.)

Often times we see animosity in the midst of differing generations. We can see blame tossed to and fro on both ends of the spectrum. I believe this is to the detriment of the body of Christ and, as a cause and effect of that, a problem for us in reaching the world.

We have to stop. We have to stop arguing, stop pointing fingers, stop focusing on the negative. And instead we need to begin loving one another, learning and growing from each other. I believe this word from the Lord is timely and important. 

Younger generations:
Humble yourselves... we don’t know everything. We have much we can glean from the generations before. There is opportunity before us to grow and allow our roots to deepen and strengthen. For us to be beneficial in this earth we must allow the knowledge, wisdom, and discernment of those whose lives have experienced much to help guide us and mature us. Don’t allow pride to get in the way of what the Lord is wanting to do.

Elder generations:
Please be patient with us. We have not experienced all that you have, but we also aren’t helpless. Help us to find the balance of learning and growing along side of using the knowledge we have already obtained. Please pray for us, love us, and offer opportunity for us to soak in all that you have to offer us. We can’t do this without you, and your mission and journey aren’t over yet.

I also feel this is a specific call to families. As the leaders of your family, establish your roots in Christ. Cultivate the atmosphere with submission to Him, His plan, and His presence. Let Him deepen your roots. And in doing so, you will not only set an example but a precedence for your family following behind. You will establish a fortress of protection for them to grow their roots in a healthy way.

I don’t know the whole picture, I’m only human and can only see in part, but I do know that if the Lord is making a point to speak about something IT IS IMPORTANT. So let’s heed this message, this opportunity and see what all the Lord has up His sleeve in the days to come.

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