Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A Call To Christians

This morning we learned of the passing of Reverend Billy Graham in to the sweet presence of the Lord. I did not expect that my heart would be hit this hard with this news, but it has been. I have spent all morning reading quotes, articles, personal posts, and testimony after testimony of lives changed because of the obedient life of this wonderful man. In the midst of reading all these words of acclamation, I've found my mind wondering where "America's Pastor" had struggles? It is easy in this time to think of him as above the human struggle, but from what I have read, I believe he would want us to remember that he was a sinful man forgiven and covered by the blood of Jesus, who chose to walk obediently in the call of God... and each one of us has the same opportunity.

You see, we all have sinned and have fallen short. But the message of Billy Graham's life was one of the grace given to us through Jesus. It's through Jesus' perfect, spotless sacrifice that we are able to be  alive. It is through the love of the Father that we are able to be saved through Jesus. And if you are someone that may not understand that Christian-ese lingo, I want to break it down:

"For God so love the world (us), that He gave His only Son (Jesus), 
that whoever (opened to ALL) believes in Him shall not perish (die a sinful death),
 but have eternal life (life with Jesus in Heaven and on earth)." 
John 3:16
(If this is new for you and you want to find out more about what Jesus has done for you, 
please message me or someone so we can explain and pray with you!)

Sometimes as Christians we forget that the simplicity of the cross and the Word is all we need to progress. We make it complicated, confusing, stressful, and hard to understand. But God is love, and He longs for us to love Him and the people around us in simple, tangible ways. It is the greatest commandment after all. And I am grateful for the trail blazed before us by a man that was not perfect, but walked fully in the grace of God, leading everyone he could to the feet of Jesus. 

And it sounds like I should be finished there, but I'm not. One of the biggest things that stood out to me in reading about BG's life was his stance in politics. I honestly don't know if we could ever find a Christian man more involved in the lives of presidents from generation to generation... And though he had all the opportunity in the world, he was not a man to turn his podium into a political rant. He was a man that understood the importance of praying for his leaders and offering Godly, scriptural counsel whenever he could. WE NEED TO LEARN FROM THAT EXAMPLE! 

I have seen so many posts by Christians on social media lately that are politicized and jabbing at those they would consider on the "other side"... but can I be candid? They aren't the enemy! And I would pose a challenge for us as followers of Christ to remember no matter how passionately we feel about legislation and politics that "we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6:12)

Can we grasp that word? Can we remember that yes, we can have opinions on things, but they should never cause people to turn their heads from Christ and distract from His great name because of how we represent them! My goodness, if we could only be as passionate about serving the Lord and each other as we are about guns and gun laws. Yes, I went there. Live a life that causes people to turn their heads to Jesus. Don't let your legacy be one of ostracizing people through your political stances. Because ultimately, it just doesn't matter.

With that, I am sounding an alarm. I am making a call for us to lay down our divisive politics and remember that we are NOT each other's enemies. And if we call ourselves followers of Jesus, we need to be reminded daily who our fight is against, and who we are called to love. We are in a season of urgency for the love of the Father to be spread in this earth and that will not happen if we keep allowing the enemy to bring division... why do you think he's trying so hard right now. So, rise up! don't give in to his schemes. Let's see the Kingdom of Heaven invade the earth in a reviving of His church to walk out the harvesting of those who just don't know His love yet!

Lord, may we be a generation that steps up to the legacy that has gone before us. May we walk in love and dedication to serve, and may we release our strong grip on the politics that have so easily distracted us. May we be united in You! May we walk in the grace You have given us! And Father may we see each other through Your eyes. Help us to remember who our enemy is, and give us the wisdom on how to combat his lies. Help us Lord to see the harvest and to have a heart of passion for those in need of You still. Let our priorities align with Yours fully. And Lord, please comfort the Graham family in a huge way as the begin the process of this mourning period. Thank you for their father who was always willing to point back to you. In Your holy and precious name, amen!

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