Friday, March 25, 2016

You Make All Things New

"You make all things new, when You walk into the room.
Would You walk into the room?"
(Colors [Spontaneous] by Bethel)

We live our lives so selfishly. Always thinking of us first... it's the way of our flesh. We spend our lives searching for things to fill voids in our minds, in our hearts, in our spirits. We try and when that doesn't work then we try again... it's the way of our world. We are convinced our voids will be filled and problems will be solved with money, sex, titles, things... it's the way of our culture. To the world these things are the way... but I long for something new! 

I am filled with a longing for a new normal. A desire for a new satisfaction. That my yearnings would match up with what makes me complete and whole not what just stirs up endorphins for a second. And I have found that in Jesus. You see, when Jesus showed up in Jerusalem the normal for them was to sacrifice, to make the temple a common market place, to judge everyone around them... it was the way of that time. But Jesus came and He challenged every 'normal' thought they had. He challenged them not for the sake of drama, but because He knew He was there to make all things new. He became their sacrifice; He re-instilled holiness; He brought grace! He was the new!

And as Jesus accepted every lash of the whip, every thorn from he crown, and as He carried His cross along that dirt road lined with people celebrating His pain... He kept us in His mind. He knew this would change the world, but more importantly He knew it would change our hearts. For God so loved us that He sent Him... it was the way of the Kingdom.

On this Good Friday I am saying to the One who bore my sin and shame, who shed His blood for my healing, that I want all things new! Transform my earthly mind that is stuck in the way of my flesh, the way of my world and the way of my culture and in it's place fill me with the things of Your kingdom Lord! Fill me with the fruit of Your Spirit and the power of Your love... make me new! 

Lord, I know that when You enter a room we can't help but be changed by You being there. So I invite You, I ask You, please come and make all things new!

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