Monday, July 13, 2015

Your Story

Over the last week I spent some much needed time next to a river. The constant sound of flowing waters and chirping of birds while leaves rustle in the wind allowed me to rest in the presence of the One who created it all. There is most definitely nothing like the peace that comes from being in His creation with Him. But I did not spend the whole week sitting alone, I would have gone crazy if that were the case lol; I spent many hours building relationship with teenagers who were searching for the heart of the Father. We spent many hours laughing, worshipping, praying and seeing Him move. But something stuck with me throughout the week... something that comes up often but never really hit my heart before. In many instances, when I would ask the kids what they wanted from the Lord they would say a form of this: "I don't want my past to follow me anymore!" I didn't hear this once or twice, but several times throughout the week.

Why are we afraid of our stories? Why do we fear the things of our past? Why do we dwell in guilt and shame? These are the questions I began to ponder conversation after conversation. I searched my own heart and realized I lived much of my life afraid of the same thing. There was a time I felt that if anyone knew my past they would only see me for that. I realized that by allowing those things to stay bottled up I had kept myself from experiencing much freedom. But there was a point in my life where I realized that my story needed to be shared...

I remember sitting across from this girl when I was 18 years old sharing, for the first time, in full my testimony. I could see tears building up in her eyes and I could feel Holy Spirit moving in the midst of the conversation. I shared the brokenness I had felt my whole life and how that had led to depression; how I had to wear this constant mask of good church girl but as soon as I got home would cry myself to sleep. There were so many negative thoughts I allowed to consume me. After sharing with her she opened up to me, she became very vulnerable, and shared her struggles as well. I had the opportunity to pray with her and from that moment I got to walk through life with her. She and I are still friends to this day and I still get excited overtime I see the freedom she is living in.

When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and share not only the pains and tragedies of our lives, but the joy and salvation that the Lord has given us as well, we bring such glory to Him. For if it weren't for Him we'd all be stuck in the muck of this world and our flesh. For it is for freedom that we have been set free (Galatians 5:1)... not only our freedom but the freedom of others. The word tells us that we have overcome by the blood of the Lamb but also by the word of our testimonies (Revelation 12:11). When we release our story, we release freedom.

As I've been reading Acts I see Paul sharing his story at any and every moment possible. Paul, the man who was murdering Christians; the man who was denying Jesus... He would openly share that with the world. Why? Because his life didn't stop at the murder and the other horrible things he did, his story continued on to shine light on the fact that he was made free by Jesus, the very one he persecuted. 

Don't be afraid of your story. And don't allow your story to make you feel unworthy. Yes, you have sinned, so have I, because we are flesh. If you weren't meant to dwell in your mistakes then Jesus would never have come to offer freedom and life. The Bible tells us that He died for us while we were still sinners... WHILE WE WERE STILL, not after we had purified ourselves and lived holy lives for a certain amount of time. No! It was in the int hat He came to set us free. So I encourage you, just as I encourage those teenagers this past week, walk in that freedom... release your story in the world and see the difference that it brings. Don't fear the past, rejoice in the freedom! 

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