Thursday, February 5, 2015


In a moment a song can quickly capture my attention and cause me to dwell on it for days. The words penetrating my heart and mind; the sound lingering in my ears and mouth. Am I the only one? I didn't think so. Why does music play such an influential role? I look at this generation that can't even do homework unless there is an earphone in their ear with music playing. We can't be in the car without music playing. And for those of us who pray, it is often times hard to do that without music. So I'm thinking about this tonight... there is something very deep and special about this thing called music and I believe it's not an accident that it is this way.

I wonder how the past has played a role in where we stand today. I think about God creating satan and giving him "timbrels and pipes" (Ezekiel 28:13) and allowing him to play and worship at the throne itself. And I think about how pride crept into that angels heart. Then for him to be cast out of Heaven... how angry he must have been (and is). In my mind those things all play a role in what is happening in music and through music now. There is an emotional connection to music and satan knows that and uses it. 

Let's talk about secular music first... holy cow, a lot of times I have no words when I listen to lyrics of today's pop, r&b, country, rap, etc.  There's several running themes: sex, self-indulgence, anger, hurt. Not every song, but many! I'm not hating on secular artists, because they are often times gifted and amazing; I'm just pointing out that there is something heavy happening in the lyrics and music of today's culture. And it's not something to ignore, but something to be aware of. Our kids hear these things and if we go back to what I said at the top of this post about music and lyrics sticking with us, there is something to be seen there. When the lyrics of a song are describing sexual encounters and it gets stuck in our minds, don't we realize that it will play a part in our actions? What ever we allow to enter inside our hearts and minds will eventually come out. 

And now the thing it would be very hard for me to live without... christian/worship music. I'm not going to lie, I've got music playing most of the day. Up until recently I was fine with playing just anything "Christian" but I started listening to the words and felt a conviction. You see, so many Christian songs are focused on about 90% negativity and then 10% praising the Lord. Even worship songs that we sing in services and are meant to focus us on the Lord, they are all about us. "We've failed" "We're hurting" "Help us", etc. Instead of the focus just being how amazing our God is and declaring His glory and honor, we get stuck on self. I'm guilty of it too; I've written several songs I called "worship" and they aren't. I've kind of gone off on a rabbit trail right now, but I'm bring it back lol...

You see, I believe music plays such a role in us because the Lord loves it and created it. And because the Lord created satan with a desire in that area, he (satan) has decided to use it against the Lord in any way. So we are in a battle that we often aren't aware of and aren't prepared for. We aren't guarding ourselves against this scheme of the enemy because we aren't recognizing that it's an issue. But I'm calling it out; it's an issue! It's a real life thing that affects everyone. It affects our emotions, our thoughts, our relationships, our actions. And I'm not saying don't listen to music (remember I said it'd be very hard for me to live without it) but I'm saying be aware... ask the Lord, "is this pleasing to you? Is it blessing your heart? Does it build me up? Is it affecting the way I speak/act/think?" It might seem a little overspiritualized to you, but I would much rather live my life asking the Lord what I should be doing rather than just doing whatever and hoping for the best outcome.

I love music, but I love You more Lord! Help me to see when music affects me and learn to remove it from my mind and heart. I pray that we as Your bride would recognize that this whole church thing is not about us, but about You and all those out there who don't know you. Help us to sing songs of Your worth and praise and declare how amazing You truly are. I don't want to be overly crazy, but I do want to honor You in all the areas of my life, and this is the one that is sticking out to me tonight. So, bless the Lord oh my soul, and ALL that is within me bless His Holy name!

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