Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I knew it wouldn't be long till you left us for good, but I don't think I realized the hole that would be felt when you did. Over the last few years as I've seen you grow weaker and weaker my heart has broken. I wanted to remember you as the strong, bold, entertaining, loving grandma that you were; the one who would take us to get McDonald's ice cream on days we stayed home "sick" from school; the grandma that sewed us dresses and cooked us the best most greasy food you have ever tasted; I wanted to remember the many Christmases we celebrated at your house with the big tree, lights all over and unending presents!! Grammy what I will miss most about you is when you would force me to sit in your lap and would sing "skinn a marinky dinky dink, skinn a marinky doo, I love you! I love you in the morning and in the afternoon, I love you in the evening and underneath the moon." I will never forget those memories that you created for me! I could never be more thankful for all the lessons I learned from watching you (even the ones I didn't want to learn at the time). My desire for cooking, music, entertaining and ministry all stemmed from who you are and who you raised this family to be. Now that I'm older I know there were struggles in your life that caused you to carry a heavy load and because of that I am thankful that you get to spend the rest of eternity burden and baggage free with Jesus and gramps. Tell gramps how much we miss him! And know there will forever be a hole where you once were in our lives. We love you gram!!

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