Tuesday, April 19, 2011

As the world turns...

I was thinking today about when I was younger and I would be "sick" (haha) and stay home from school at my aunt's daycare. I remember when all the kids were taking their nap she would turn on the soap operas and how consumed I got in them even as a kid. I LOVED the stories of men coming to the rescue of the woman and people being "dead" but really they weren't and they would show up the week after with a terrific story about what happened. And then I thought about this new book I'm reading called "Captivating" and, though I'm on in the first chapter, how much it helped me realize how many things in our everyday lives we push off because we see them as fantasy. Now, I know people who have passed are not just going to show up on our doorstep with an awesome story, however it is VERY possible for them to be raised from the dead but that is for another time I suppose lol. Tonight I am talking about that longing in us as woman to be pursued. I love how the author of this books asks the question "why are we ashamed of that longing?" Why do we as women hide the fact that we want to feel pursued and protected be a man? I know if I were to say that to a majority of my friends they would say "you're independent you can take care of yourself!" But you see, that's just it, when I am being independent and "she-woman" that can do all things I am not being who I was created to be. When the Lord put that desire in us as women He knew what He was doing and why! So, though it may be a long process, the Lord is teaching me that it is wonderful to be submitted to a man and stand under his covering. And though the wedding is a special day the marriage is what's going to have to last!

It's amazing how when you make yourself vulnerable to the Lord and share what is really in your heart He begins to take your places and reveal things that you didn't ever think about! I love the Lord and I am so glad I'm on his team... relationships are hard enough with Him, I can't imagine the hopelessness people feel when the don't have the leading of the Holy Spirit!

ok that's my rant for the night! haha

love y'all!!!

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