Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A Journal To Gratefulness... Week 16: I AM WHITE

I am white. And I am grateful to be white. 

I am grateful to wake up every morning not worried whether someone will think I'm trying to rob them if I am wearing the hoodie on my sweat shirt. I am grateful I can walk and drive around neighborhoods and not have the police called on me or guns fired in my direction. I am so grateful that I don't have to process through every single one of my facial expressions so I don't offend someone and get shot, choked, stabbed, hung, or kneeled on for it. But what I am not grateful for is that there are people, friends or not friends, that wake up every morning and have to consider all of the previously mentioned things (and SOOOO much more) before they can even leave their homes... and even then it's not promised that there won't be disgusting hate thrown their way.

I'm not innocent in this. When I was younger I made many un-loving, disrespectful, cruel remarks and jokes about people out of ignorance and stupidity. I wasn't raised to hate people, in fact my whole life I heard the scripture "love your neighbor", and yet my heart was not being loving at all. I was neglectful with my words and it breaks my heart to think about that now... And so I repent for the immaturity and hate that I let seep out of me.

I'm older now. I've seen more of the world, experienced cultures outside of the "white america" I grew up in... and I've learned quite a bit. I'd say the biggest lesson I've learned is that I'm not done learning. There will always be more for me to see, more for me to hear, and more for me to understand. Wisdom says to use every sense I have to make myself better so I can lead and love better and I plan to do just that.

No longer will I sit by with the ugly face of silence weighing on my chest. I CANNOT continue to watch people die because of such hate and two minutes later turn on netflix and forget it ever happened. Lord don't let me! I beg You to break my heart for this because I know it's breaking Yours!!!

I want to pose a serious thought to you...

Close your eyes and imagine...

Think of your child, your spouse, your parents, or even yourself...

Let empathy fill your heart and mind for a moment.

How do you feel when you imagine those closest to you being pinned to the ground with a knee in their neck, slowly cutting off the air from their lungs as they groan for mercy?

How do you feel when you think about being chased through your neighborhood with guns raised... knowing that moment might possibly be your last... and then it turns out you're right?

Stop pretending this isn't happening. Stop being naive. Stop suppressing empathy and let yourself feel this.

The greatest commandment is to love God and then that is quickly followed up with LOVE PEOPLE. Sometimes loving people looks cute and frilly like a valentines day card... but most of the time loving people looks like getting down in the dirt with them. Protecting them. Standing up for them. Listening to their stories and experiences and then letting it sit with you. So do that... all of it. Let it have and effect on you, your life, your thoughts, the way you raise your children, the way to think of people... let it change you.

And with all of that being said... I will also point out that this is a SPIRITUAL BATTLE!

So yes, do the things in the natural that need to be done, but don't forget that our fight is not against flesh and blood. We are not taking up our swords against people, but against a demonic principality. A principality that has taken up residence in too many hearts and minds. And we must command it to go. We must use all the spiritual authority that we carry to command it to leave and to end with us!


We can change this. We can end it. I know we can because Jesus said we'd do even greater things than He.

So if you're reading this and you're white, be grateful... but don't stop there. Make yourself uncomfortable with facts and discernment about this disgusting topic of racism. Call it what it is, by name, and command it to go.

And if you're reading this and you are any other color than white... I'm sorry that the enemy and sin have created such a disturbing thing and used so many people to carry out this hateful plan of destruction on you. We need you. I love you. And the Lord loves you. And He is bringing us out of negligence and into truth and light so we can stand with you. It ends NOW!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Journal To Gratefulness... Week 14: OBEDIENCE

Anybody else grateful for ⬇️ right now?

I'm grateful that seasons come and go.
I'm grateful that this too shall pass... eventually.
I'm grateful that even in this season I can hear the Lord's voice and live in peace.

With that being said, I wanted to take a few minutes to share something the Lord was speaking to my heart this week, that in turn challenged me to be grateful in a new way.

I've started reading the Gospels again. It's funny because I've read through them many times, but overtime I open them back up and I am drawn to a new portion. Yesterday it was the first chapter of Matthew.

If you've ever read Matthew then you know that the first chapter is a list of descendants. Now that I've said that you're probably wondering what was so deep about reading a list of names... and to be fair, I was wondering the same thing when I was getting emotional reading it (😂). So I kept reading to see if I'd find some clarity for the emotions. 

And I've come to the conclusion that this is a two-fold answer...


This long list (let's be honest it's not as long as some of the other lineages listed in the Bible lol) that connected each name to another ends with Joseph, the husband of Mary and the earthly father of Jesus. A man that doesn't get much reference and a Bible character not paid much attention. And yet, a key player in the life of Jesus. His choices helped build the foundation of this life changing story.

You see, Joseph had options to ignore the voice of God and continue living a "normal" life. In his short portion of the gospel stories he heard from the Lord several times... each time Joseph had to decide to trust and obey, or to do it his own way. But Joseph, a normal man with an extraordinary heritage chose overtime to be obedient to the voice of God.

This is important because imagine this:

Joseph is engaged to Mary who tells him she's been impregnated by the Holy Spirit. He wants to cut off their engagement but has a dream where the Lord tells him to stick it out... what if he didn't? What if fear of opinions and culture were too scary to face? What effect would that have had on this crucial story?

What if Joseph ignored the dream of warning to escape Bethlehem and go to Egypt because it was too much work to pick up and go? Would the narrative of Jesus' life have been different?

Joseph was chosen by God to carry this role, for he was positioned in the lineage that was prophesied to bring forth the Savior. BUT Joseph also had to choose to step in to that calling. His choices didn't just have an effect on him and Mary, but touched all of history... and will continue to do so.

And that, right there, is what stuck out to me in the first chapter of Matthew! Joseph could choose to obey and honor his calling and the heritage from which he came, or ignore it.

Our choice to be obedient, even in the hard and uncomfortable have an effect on our heritage. The generations after us will feel the ripples of our choices. They may not know our name, we may not be remembered, but they will feel the ripples of our choices. 

Because of that, today I am grateful for the reminder that EVERY . SINGLE . CHOICE I make matters. Big or seemingly small, there will be an impact. And everytime I choose to be obedient, no matter how hard it is or who is pushing against me, I make a ripple that can change the world.

I'm grateful for Joseph and his choices to obey. I am grateful for his willingness to be who God called him to be. And I'm truly inspired by his bravery today. May we all strive to carry a little bit of Joseph in our decision makin from now on.

Things I was grateful for this week:
  • Video chats with family and friends
  • God is a God of justice AND mercy
  • Fresh food

"Grateful: (adjective)
    warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received; thankful" -