Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Our Pal Kanye...

Disclaimer: I don’t know all the answers

With that being said...

I have seen article after article, watched countless videos and clips, and seen multiple posts from friends or family discussing / dissecting what is going on in / with Mr. Kanye West. And it seems like cynicism has taken the lead on most people’s opinions. And I’m concerned...

First, if this is all a big show or scam , who cares?!? People are hearing Jesus’ name from a platform that has really not existed in our generation. So let God be lifted high, and let God deal with Kanye. 

Second, why is it our first response to be cynical when we see amazing things like this happen?!? Why are we constantly trying to snuff out the light of people trying to shine Jesus’ love? Why do we have to give Christianity such a negative view to the rest of the world? If we can’t support him through this, who will?

And third, it reminds me of Paul’s story in the Bible. He was famous and living crazy, like extreme crazy, when Jesus transformed him and commissioned him to ministry. Look at all of the accomplishments of Paul! His obedience has grown the body of Christ in amazing ways over the centuries, and continues to do so today. Why would God not want to do the same in the lives of others? Isn’t our God big enough to do such an amazing thing?

So I’m concerned about the state of the church... that our first reaction to someone getting radically saved and leading others to the Lord would be one of negativity instead of rejoicing! Shame on us. We need to celebrate this. We need to shout praises to the Lord from the mountain tops that He is good! Praise Him that His hand is on Kanye and that He has done such a work in His life! Thank you Jesus!!!

And in fact, I am believing for more celebrities to be saved! So let’s be praying for “Hollywood” to have a radical, empowered transformation because of Jesus. I believe there are many who are called to lead in pure, unadulterated revival. So when we see this breakthrough LET’S CELEBRATE it!!! Let’s be rejoicing for the Lord is good, and greatly to be praised!

Jesus, we want to see you made famous in all the earth. So Lord, we ask for a transforming movement to rush through the celebrities of our world. May they see You, know You, and love You. Let them have a deep revelation of Your love for them. And may they use their platforms to declare Your love. I pray you continue to work in Kanye’s life. Lord, would You encourage him to keep walking with You. Would You help him to show his children how to love you best. And would You let those around him see You moving and find You too! Come, Lord Jesus, come! Do what only You can do. And we will rejoice and celebrate how awesome You are! Amen.