Thursday, September 12, 2019

• New Home • New Norm •

Well, I made it to TN. 

Am I overflowing with excitement? Honestly, no. I’m nervous. I’m lonely. And I am constantly trying to remind myself that the Lord knows far more than I ever could and He will honor my simple obedience. Those who have known me a while know that I am usually all for change and following the Lord in faith. But this time I’ve been nervous, anxious, stressed, and every emotion in the book. It’s been a true whirlwind!

When the Lord first spoke to me about coming to Tennessee I was fully excited for all the possibilities. I was expectant and hopeful. But over the last few months many things have transpired and it really has had an effect on my perspective. It’s been a battle down a narrow road with my hands lifted to the Father. My constant prayer right now is that the Lord would remind me of all the miracles (big and small) along the way to keep my perspective focused! 

Do I still believe the Lord called me here? 150%, not a doubt in my mind. Does that make this transition and change easier? Absolutely not! It’s going to be a process.

The next few months are going to consist of finding my new normal. I’ve got to build relationships, let go of expectations, make sure I can pay bills, let the Lord continue to work in me, find a renter for my spare room, write, paint, care for my animals, take care of a new house and car... and the list truly could go on...

And on...

And on!

I’m praying that this season bears much fruit. That my faith would grow in this small beginning and I would see His hand at work in miraculous ways. I am praying that I can be a blessing to people, and find friends who will be a blessing back. And that my trust in Him would far better outweigh my nerves! Because it’s going to be stretching for sure!

So if you’re reading this, would you pray with me? Would you believe with me? And if you think about me randomly one day, would you send me some encouragement... because the reality is it’ll probably be needed! It’s going to be a bumpy ride!