Thursday, July 11, 2019

People Over Politics

Last week was the 32nd time I celebrated Independence Day. In all my years of been born in, growing up, and living in the USA I have witnessed some deep lows and some exciting victories for this country. New things happening everyday. But, one thing remains the same... there have always been and will always be people with opinions and views that are different from mine.

In my teenage years I remember watching the people around me speak about political things and beginning to form an opinion of my own. Then in college I really started owning that opinion. I would get in debates / arguments, and both sides would walk away having accomplished nothing really. But when social media came in to play, it made that whole scenario worse. All of a sudden everyone's opinions and views were THE ONLY WAY and we stopped listening to each other. Facebook became a place to repost articles (whether true or false) without researching their origins. The way we worded posts became less about sharing an opinion and more about shaming and condemning those whose opinions differed from ours. Our courtesy and kindness left, while we put politics on a pedestal.

Today I open Facebook and see a minimum of 5 political posts in a quick scroll down the page. And my heart aches. Not because people shouldn't have opinions; not because their opinions are different from mine. My heart aches because every post I see makes me think "who did that post just exclude from being able to ever hear the gospel message from that person?"

Our words (and actions) have consequences. And if our political views are 
keeping us from being able to share the message of Jesus' love in this world... 
well, then we are doing something wrong.

Pride has caused us to make our politics more important than people. Some use the excuse that they are political to help people, but Hebrews 7:19 tells us that is not the way it works: "For the law has never made anyone perfect, but in its place is a far better Hope which gives us confidence to experience intimacy with God." 

I do find myself leaning towards conservative in my political views. But as the years have progressed in my life I have learned that sometimes the things Jesus wants to do are not conservative. And so I have asked the Lord to help me position my heart with His. My allegiance is NOT to a political party, a president, governor, senator, or any other office. Does that mean I don't care about political things? Nah. It just means they aren't my god. And I'm not perfect in it, I still will get fired up about something and feel the urge to make my opinions known... but thankfully those moments come less and less. Because I really want my life to be about loving people more than proving people wrong... and I hope I can encourage some people around me to have the same goal.

I truly pray you don't receive this blog as a condemning word, but a word of encouragement. We've got to make some changes so we can reach this world and offer it the Hope that we have... our Hope is Jesus. So, if you must say something (really about any topic) take a step back and consider the path your words might take. Will they lead people in love, or will they stir up strife?

And if you do decide to make a post on social media just remember this old southern saying: "put a little honey on it." Meaning, people will receive sweet and gently spoken words of grace far better than dumping harsh, condemning words down their throats. So don't let your opinions and politics drive a irreversible wedge between you and those God has given you to love and reach. There is a verse in Proverbs that warns us of this very thing: "It is easier to conquer a strong city than to win back a friend whom you've offended. (Pr 18:19)".

My hope is that you are encouraged to encourage. And that by encouraging we will see fruit begin to sprout in our lives. Let's fill this world with the love of our sweet Jesus. 

| What are you using your platform for? | What are you shouting from the rooftops? |