Tuesday, March 26, 2019

No More

There once was a girl who barely knew how to smile. She carried so much sadness and hurt in her heart that it seemed the weight of the whole world. She saw nothing as a positive and dwelt in a land of negativity. There was so much fear in her heart that if she cared too deeply for people she would lose them or they would fail her. She believed if she were to show excitement about something, it would never come to pass. Things happened in her life that she never felt she could talk about. People let her down and she had to deal with it. Words and actions were heavy... and this had an effect on her whole life.

I was that girl. That is my story.

But not anymore. The same God who created me with purpose also healed me and set me free.

Why am I sharing this today? Why does this seem important in this moment?


I was not defeated. The enemy didn’t take me out; people’s failures didn’t destroy me; I was not conquered by the heaviness of my youth. Depression did not win!

And because I’m still standing, I am believing that you can overcome as well. I believe the same God that healed, restored, and freed me wants you to have the same. So much so, that Jesus paid a price we could never fathom to get us through whatever it is that hinders us. 

So today I’m calling out darkness in the name of Jesus! I’m not going to live my life with any trace of those chains, and I’m praying you’ll make that choice as well.

In the name of Jesus:

depression be broken off
pain disperse
fear say goodbye
anxiety hit the road
bitterness be uprooted
unforgiveness be wiped away
heaviness be traded in 
doubt flee

There is NO room for any of that in the Kingdom of God 
and there is no place for it in the child of God! Amen!

Enough is enough. We've let it get out of control. Suicide rates are astronomical, depression medications are soaring. People are hurting, the world is hurting, and we are sitting in our church sanctuaries singing songs and listening to sermons, BUT we aren't putting it to action! 

It's time we offer hope to the hopeless, freedom to the captive, healing to the broken, and show them the Savior. And it’s not about living the perfect life, never experiencing sorrow, hurt, or mistakes... but it is about not dwelling in those things. It is about knowing who we were created to be, and trusting that precious Creator to lead us. Knowing how to brush the sand from our feet, and rising up in grace and humility, to fulfill the call of God on our lives.

I read this verse last night:

“But whether I live or die is not important, for I don’t esteem my life as indispensable. It’s more important for me to fulfill my destiny and to finish the ministry my Lord Jesus has assigned to me, which is to faithfully preach the wonderful news of God’s Grace.” 
Acts 20:24

Can we get over ourselves? Remember what Jesus brought us out of? And then think about the people who have yet to experience His love? 

And so today I am going to do just that. I’m going to stop worrying about my life and the effects of everything happening to me or around me. And instead I will remember the people around the world that need me to be a reflection of Him to them. I’m going to step in to my destiny and I’m going to carry His presence with me.... 

Will you join me? 

Someone needs you to show them the way too!