Sunday, December 2, 2018

Positioning My Heart

I woke up today with a song sitting in my mind and heart. It's a song that has been sitting with me for a couple of weeks now. It is a reminder, an encouragement, and it stirs my heart. The reason is simple and is declared in the title... "Great Are You Lord"!! It may seem simplistic, it may be obvious, but I'm trying to not rush past it. I want to let it sit and soak and allow myself to meditate on it's words. I want the lyrics to stir my heart every time I hear them. I don't want to miss it.

Will you Listen to the song with me right now?

"You give life, You are love
 You bring light to the darkness
 You give hope
 You restore every heart that is broken
 Great are You Lord"

THIS, this is our God. This is the one who created us, who loved us so deeply that when sin overcame us and separated us from Him, He sent His wonderful Son to restore us. He is the giver of healing, the giver of wholeness, He is the mender of hearts. I don't know if this is coming across clearly not, but it's burning in my heart because He's just so good. 

I never want to forget all the things He has done in my life. I never want to forget the healing, physically and emotionally. I never want to live a day where I don't thank Him for the freedom I get to walk in; for the salvation He gave me SO FREELY! I never want to miss the chance to remember His hand reaching down and pulling me out of the pit of sadness, anger, bitterness, and hurt. I want to always remember Him revealing who I am as His daughter, chosen, called, fierce, and loving. HE is the reason I am today. 

"And all the earth will shout Your praise
Our hearts will cry, these bones will sing

In the deepest parts of my heart I pray that we would be filled with the awe of all He is, all He has done, and all He will continue to do. I pray that our hearts would be filled with thanksgiving and praise. That we would allow Him to fill us so that we can pour out our praise. He is so great and so deserving.

And I pray that if you have a hard time recognizing His goodness; or if your past has hindered you from processing goodness, that healing would come! That you would be loosed from the heaviness that bogs you down and that the JOY of the Lord would fill you. I pray that your heart would recognize His hand at work in your life, and in recognizing it that you would be stirred to praise. 

He's so good. He's so faithful. His grace is astounding. His mercy, never ending and new every morning, is beautiful. His heart is for you and His heart is for me! His will for us is perfect and wonderful and beyond anything we could fathom. 

So Lord, my God, my beautiful and wonderful Father, we worship You. We praise You for Your hand at work in our lives. We glorify You for the peace that You give us that surpasses understanding. Thank You for Your faithfulness to love us, through every moment that we turn our backs, You are right there, arms opened, calling to us, loving us. You celebrate our victories; You mourn our losses. You lead us by still waters for us to be refreshed; You go before us in battle. Lord there is none like You. Thank You for being You, thank You for loving us. Great are You Lord!