Thursday, November 22, 2018

South Africa - November 2018

South Africa 2018... unforgettable.

For months leading up to this trip I knew the Lord had big plans. Why?? Because so much was going wrong around me. The enemy was hitting every area you could imagine. It was obvious to me that he didn't want this trip to happen... which became my source of encouragement to push through. The enemy would not be so resistant if he wasn't scared, and that was exciting to me. The Lord had plans and I was ready and willing to be a part of it.

I look back over the two weeks spent traveling throughout South Africa and Swaziland and realize the Lord did more than I even realized in the moments. One of the biggest miracles to me was that our team, a group of 28 people from all over the place, were united in one purpose and got along. There was a bond that could only come from the Holy Spirit's leading, and it was beautiful. Every person was there to serve the people of SA, but also to serve each other. It constantly stirred my heart to pray for the church to walk in the very same perspective. Lord, teach us to love and serve in the same way You did.

We started the trip off with our safari, which I feel was strategic in team building. We enjoyed seeing the animals, and even got to see the lions being fed... incredible. We were staying at a lodge that also had so many cool animals roaming around. One morning we were having devotions and several zebra walked right next to us and started drinking from the pool. I don't think I've ever felt more at home, lol. 

From there we headed back to the airport to fly to Cape Town. We spent the weekend ministering at The Gathering in Paarl. People were set free, healed, and filled with the Holy Spirit. I was praying for a lady on the last night to be filled with Holy Spirit and I felt the power of God moving in a strong way, but she was so quiet that I couldn't tell if she was speaking in tongues or not. I leaned my ear towards her mouth and started laughing because the spirit of the Lord was moving so much she couldn't 't stop moving her mouth. I love getting to see people filled with His Spirit! I'm believing that she will allow the empowering of the Holy Spirit to give her boldness to share His love in great and mighty ways!

From Cape Town / Paarl we made our way to Nelspruit. This was probably the most surprising part of the trip for me. We joined up with a smaller church that we had never visited before... no one knew what the expect. But the Lord in all His wisdom knew what was needed. This church encouraged me. they LOVED each other. When the pastor had everyone greet one another, they literally greeted every person with such depth. I laughed because in America greeting times in churches are so awkward and everyone tries to get through it quickly... but they rejoiced in getting to be with each other. They honored each other with hugs and huge smiles. It was really beautiful. Some of us then shared briefly things the Lord was putting on our hearts for the church and we ended the night with a prayer tunnel. There is just nothing like a prayer tunnel in Africa when it's already hot and you're asking for more of the fire of the Holy Ghost! Whewwww!

After a quick nights rest we drove in to Swaziland. My favorite! As we were crossing the border I could immediately feel my heart swell with love for the children we would get to encounter. And my heart was not let down. When we visited the Care Centers there were children of all ages waiting for us to just love on them. We brought them sweeties (candy) and toys and clothes and tooth brushes and so much more... but above all that, we brought them hugs. We brought prayers to pray over them. We declared that they would have a hope and a future. That their future would be filled with kingdom things! And I prayed that they would have endurance to run this race of life, because life isn't easy but God's plans supersede the craziness of it all.I could have stayed with those babies for two weeks alone, but I am so glad we got the time we got with them. 

We ended our time back in Jo Burg at the big tent. On Saturday we held an outreach in the park across from the church. I told one of the guys that from the second we drove up I felt the Spirit of the Lord stirring, the atmosphere was thick. We unloaded all of the supplies we brought with us and all the food we purchased. We gave testimony, danced in worship, called on the Lord to meet us there, the word was shared, we prayed for the people, and then we fed them and distributed supplies. It was beautiful. It was precious. And I won't forget the faces of thankfulness from every person I handed something to. Thank you for sending me with supplies to share with these wonderful people!

I know this is lengthy, and doesn't have a ton of detail, but my heart is still processing all the Lord has done. I will say that this trip changed something in me. I mean, these trips usually do change me, but this was something I needed in the place of life I'm in. Not only did I get to reconnect with dear friends, I was able to establish some new relationships. I was encouraged constantly, which I hadn't realized how much I needed. I just left feeling so full and ready for what the Lord has next... whatever and whenever that may be!

So, please, keep praying with me. Praying for the people of South Africa and Swaziland. Praying for all the seeds that were sewn and every life that was touched. And please pray with me for the next steps in my life. The Lord is faithful and I am honored and humbled that He has chosen me to reach out to some many different people in my life... I'm ready for even more!